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Tuesday, 14 May 2013 09:03

The Place of Theory and Research in Translation and Interpreting Didactics

UMONS November 22, 2013
Service de traductologie (FTI-Eii), Institut de Recherche en sciences et technologies du langage (IRSTL)
Call for Papers

Translations Studies, which is being institutionalised in a number of universities across the world, is still being questioned in many ways, notably by practitioners, as to its practical usefulness and relevance. According to many TS scholars, the question arises most clearly in connection with translation and interpreting didactics. The Conference endeavours to examine this issue in a critical light. The German saying that « Nichts ist praktischer als seine gute Theorie » (nothing is more practical than a good theory) may eventually prove true when we analyse concrete facts in the province of translation and interpreting.

In which ways do TS help translation and interpreting didactics, be it theoretically or empirically ? What is the opinion of translators' and interpreters' trainers ? What do students themselves think about the problem ? Do they find in theory elements that can guide them in a useful manner in the training process ? Which are these elements ? How does the relevance reveal itself concretely ? Or does theory reveal shortcomings that eventually limit its application ? Do the efforts prove worthwhile considering the time and energy necessary to theory acquisition ?
November 22 will be the prelude of a larger Conference that will take place in 2014-2015 on the same theme. Rather than only general discourse, it encourages the presentation of personal experience both from teachers and (PhD) students, an experience that will pave the way for larger investigations or other empirical research. Dialogue between teachers, practitioners and students will be encouraged.

For this first Conference, we call for presentations and posters on the subject « the place of theory and research in translation and interpretation didactics ». Reflection based on personal experience both from teachers and (PhD) students, investigation results, other types of empirical research in French or in English are welcome. Please send an abstract highlighting the relevance to the Conference theme to Nadia D'Amelio (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by June 30.

Nadia D'Amelio
Chef du service de traductologie FTI-Eii, UMONS

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