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Tuesday, 27 April 2021 04:31

Eco-Translation: Responding to the Work of Michael Cronin

BCLT Online Conference, 14-15 May 2021

This two-day online conference focuses on the work of our keynote speaker, the influential Irish translation theorist Michael Cronin. Leading UK and international scholars of translation, eco-criticism and environmental studies will be addressing issues highlighted in Cronin’s recent work, in particular Eco-Translation: Translation and Ecology in the Age of the Anthropocene (Routledge, 2017). Cronin’s book explores the challenges to translation posed by human-induced environmental change, with topics ranging from the translation of travel literature to endangered languages and inter-species communication.

Attendance is free but pre-registration is required here

Friday 14 May

All times BST (= UTC +1)

13.00-13.10 – Duncan Large (UEA) – Welcome

13.10-14.10 – Federico Federici (University College London)

‘Translating Natural Hazards: Climate Change, Risk, and Translation’

14.15-15.15 – Loredana Polezzi (Stony Brook)

‘Translation as Trace: On Memory, Narration and the Environment’

15.15-15.45 – BREAK

15.45-16.45 – Carolyn Shread (Mount Holyoke/Smith)

‘Plastic Perspectives on Eco-Translation’

16.50-18.15 – Michael Cronin (Trinity College Dublin)

‘Losing Our Way? Translation and Solastalgia’



Saturday 15 May

13.10-14.10 – Charles Forsdick (Liverpool)

‘Microspecting Now: Travel, Sensory Perception and Politics’

14.15-15.15 – Rindon Kundu (Sri Sri)

‘Nature’s Tale from the East: Asian Tryst with Eco-Translatology’

15.15-15.45 – BREAK

15.45-16.45 – Susan Bassnett (Glasgow/Warwick)

‘The Importance of Translation’

16.50-17.30 – Jean McNeil (UEA)

‘Translating the Language of the Land’

17.30-18.15 – Closing round-table discussion

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