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Edward Clay

Edited by: Roberto A. Valdeón and Youbin Zhao.

For more information, click here

Edited by: Carmen Valero-Garcés.

For more information, click here

Guest editors: Jie Zhang and Jia Li

Multilingual crisis communication has emerged as a global challenge during the COVID-19 pandemic. Global public health communication is characterized by the large-scale exclusion of linguistic minorities from timely high-quality information. The severe limitations of multilingual crisis communication that the COVID-19 crisis has laid bare result from the dominance of English-centric global mass communication; the longstanding devaluation of minoritized languages; and the failure to consider the importance of multilingual repertoires for building trust and resilient communities. These challenges, along with possible solutions, are explored in greater detail by the articles brought together in this special issue, which present case studies from China and the global Chinese diaspora. As such, the special issue constitutes not only an exploration of the sociolinguistics of the COVID-19 crisis but also a concerted effort to open a space for intercultural dialogue within sociolinguistics. We close by contending that, in order to learn lessons from COVID-19 and to be better prepared for future crises, sociolinguistics needs to include local knowledges and grassroots practices not only as objects of investigation but in its epistemologies; needs to diversify its knowledge base and the academic voices producing that knowledge base; and needs to re-enter dialogue with policy makers and activists.

For more information, click here

The translation of comics shows certain specificities inherent to the medium that transcend its interlinguistic dimension (Reyns-Chikuma &
Tarif 2016). Consequently, it is commonly defined as a hybrid discipline conditioned by an equally hybrid medium that blurs the boundaries
between the categories seeing/reading through texts, paratexts and images. In such a context, we can re-read John Berger’s words under
new light: “It is seeing which establishes our place in the surrounding world; we explain that world with words, but words can never undo
the fact that we are surrounded by it” (Berger 1972: 7). What happens when our sight reads/sees a comic? How do translators reproduce
such seeing beyond words? Which tools do they use to render culture-specific items, sound symbolic words, non-linguistic signs and
typography? Are translations conditioned by the elements of the visual lexicon, such as page, panel, gutter or speech balloon (Cohn
2013)? In this negotiation with a visual and textual medium, translators occupy an inter-mediation space in culturally-determined semiotic
environments (Zanettin 2009).

We invite scholars working in translation studies, comics studies and related fields to send proposals dealing with the intercultural,
intermodal and interlinguistic sides in the translation of comics and webcomics. Articles can include, but are by no means limited to, the

- Specificities of the translation of comics
- Translation of paratexts and visual lexicon in comics
- Analysis of translated comics
- Translation and reception of comic genres and traditions
- Comic and cultural translation
- Translating humour in comics
- The comic publishing sector and translation
- The professionalization of comic translation
- Fanslation and scanlation

Deadline for submissions: 30 November 2020

For more information, click here

Since its inception in 1966, the Linguistics Colloquium has been held annually without interruption in a total of 18 European countries. Its long term continuity is ensured by a large international committee consisting of its previous organizers. The Colloquium is devoted to research in all areas of linguistics. It is open to different theoretical approaches and aims to create friendly and inspiring conditions for the fruitful exchange of ideas and results. It is also appreciated for its welcoming atmosphere and cooperative discussion culture open to scientists of all ages and nationalities.

Traditionally, authors submit an abstract which, upon acceptance, is presented and discussed at the conference. Afterwards, a full paper has to be submitted, taking into account the outcome of the scientific discussion. As usually, also this year we plan to publish the proceedings as a hardcover book in the series of the publishing house .

Like many other conferences, this year, for the first time in its history, the Linguistics Colloquium will be organized as an online event. As, despite regular attendance from overseas, the Colloquium has been mostly a European event so far, we hope that colleagues from other continents will see this as an opportunity to get to know the friendly and co-operative spirit of the colloquium. To further encourage this and because an online event requires less funding, as a novelty this year we decided to completely waive registration fees.

How the conference will be conducted

In our experience, conferences with pre-recorded presentations have the drawbacks that all presenters have to deal with recording issues, and that a real live atmosphere promoting questions and discussion is hard to obtain.

Therefore, in order to keep as much of the Colloquium's interactive character as possible, the conference will be held in the form of several parallel online sessions, each representing a thematic field and realized as a separate online meeting hosted by a session chair. To minimize technical overhead for participants, we will use the popular "Zoom" video conferencing software which is particularly user-friendly. Registered participants will receive links to the conference sessions. By clicking on these, participation is possible with almost any desktop PC, portable computer or smart device. No cost is involved on the side of the participants and no pre-installation of software is required. Only when clicking on the provided links the user may be asked to allow installation of the free Zoom software (or, alternatively, to rely on the browser). Speakers require devices with a camera and a microphone (e.g. a laptop or tablet computer) and will be allowed to make the presentation screen of their laptop available to the audience. Questions can be either asked using audio/video or in writing via Zoom's chat function (in which case the chair person will read them out). To minimize the risk of technical difficulties, speakers and participants are encouraged to join a test session some time ahead of the conference (see schedule below).

We plan to record all sessions for the following reasons:

  • Speakers can receive a complimentary video of their presentation if desired.
  • We hope that after the conference many speakers will wish to have their presentations published online (e.g. as a service for participants who missed a session or to address a wider audience). But in any case the decision on publication will be entirely up to the speakers.

On the registration form, speakers will be asked to give their permission for their presentation being recorded. During discussions, participants should only ask questions using audio/video if they also agree on being recorded. If not, they are supposed to ask their questions in writing via Zoom's chat function. We hope for participants' understanding that switching the live stream recording on and off for individual speakers and questions would be a burden for the session chair and, during lively discussions involving several participants, appears too error prone to be practical.

The special theme of the conference is "Translation, Multilinguality and Cognition". But contributions from all areas of linguistics are welcome, including but not limited to:

  • Theory of linguistics
  • Historical linguistics
  • Diachronic linguistics
  • Corpus linguistics, text mining
  • Computational linguistics, natural language processing
  • Neural language processing and machine learning
  • Comparative & contrastive linguistics, typology
  • Applied linguistics, language learning
  • Neuro- and psycholinguistics
  • Sociolinguistics
  • Lexicology, lexicography
  • Phonology, phonetics
  • Morphology
  • Syntax
  • Semantics
  • Pragmatics
  • Text / Discourse
  • Semiotics

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 12 October 2020

For more information, click here

Translaboration, as an essentially ‘blended concept” (Fauconnier & Turner 2002), responds to the confluence of ‘translation’ and ‘collaboration’ that is increasingly widespread not only in Translation Studies but also in a range of neighbouring disciplines. Translaboration’s central aim is to bring ‘translation’ and ‘collaboration’, as well as the often highly heterogeneous practices associated with these two notions, into dialogue with one another. This edited volume builds on exchanges first aired at our successful ‘Living Translation as Translaboration’ panel at the 2019 EST-conference at the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa and will focus on the ‘translation as collaboration’ vector of the translaboration concept (cf. Alfer & Zwischenberger 2020; Zwischenberger 2020).

Deadline for submissions: 15 December 2020

For more information, click here

Special Thematic Section for Translation, Cognition and & Behaviour (Issue 4:2 2021): Consolidating experimental research in audiovisual translation, guest edited by Stephen Doherty.

Deadline for proposals: 30 November 2020

For more information, click here

We are inviting chapter proposals for a volume entitled The Human Translator in the 2020s, to be  edited by Gary Massey, David Katan and Elsa Huertas Barros. The advance of machine translation  (MT) into the routine cognitive work hitherto done by translators creates an increasing demand for  

post-editing and related technology-led skills, but it is also opening spaces for adaptive experts able to  identify, deliver and advise on the added value of human translation and language service provision  beyond the scope of automation. Driven by evolving digital resources and socio-ethical demands, the  roles and responsibilities associated with the new and emerging profiles in the language industry are  rapidly and comprehensively transcending the traditional bounds of core activities and competences  prototypically associated with translation and interpreting. This volume will bring together a selection  of research-based and practice-oriented perspectives on the subject, shedding light on the new and  evolving roles, responsibilities and competences of the human translator in the 2020s. 

A preliminary proposal for the volume has been reviewed internally and conditionally accepted  for publication in the IATIS Yearbook series (Routledge) in 2022. The book will comprise eight to ten  chapters, plus an introduction and conclusion. Each main chapter will contain approx. 6,000 words,  including references. Chapter proposals will be reviewed by the editors. All chapters submitted at their invitation will be subject to a double-blind peer review. 


Digital transformation and demographic change are profoundly affecting the way our societies and  economies function, confronting the translation profession with challenges, but also with  opportunities. Accelerating technological developments, especially artificial intelligence, are  reshaping the way translators work, changing processes, tasking and demand structures in the  language industry. The advance of machine translation (MT) into the routine cognitive work hitherto  done by human translators has been creating an increasing demand for MT post-editing and related  technology-led skills, but it is also opening spaces for adaptive experts (Holyoak, 1991)1 able to  identify, deliver and advise on the added value of human translation and language service provision  beyond the scope of automation. Moreover, demographic developments and socio-ethical  requirements to provide inclusive, user-centred access to information and services are extending the  mediatory roles and responsibilities expected of human translators, supported by assistive  technologies, in a growing variety of contexts.  

A review of current job positions in the language industry demonstrates the proliferation of job  titles and responsibilities (Bond, 2018)2. Powered by evolving digital resources and socio-ethical  demands, the roles and responsibilities associated with these new and emerging profiles are rapidly  and comprehensively transcending the traditional bounds of core activities and competences  associated with translation and interpreting, the two key prototypes of language mediation. The  diversity of activities, roles and responsibilities is also reflected in two handbooks published this year,  the Bloomsbury Companion to Language Industry Studies (Angelone, Ehrensberger-Dow, and Massey  2020)3 and the Routledge Handbook of Translation and Technology (O’Hagan 2020)4. Localization,  transcreation, multimodal and audiovisual translation, user-centred translation, accessible barrier-free  communication, revision, pre-editing, post-editing, terminological services, linguistic intercultural  mediation, public service translation, language and communication consultancy are just some of the  areas in which the professional group (still) called translators and interpreters work. As translation and  related language mediation professions diversify, they are also increasingly converging with  professions such as organisational, technical and accessible communication, yielding new  interprofessional forms and fields of work oriented towards strategic trust- and reputation-building,  user experience and social inclusion. Yet, research on translators’ status and self-concept indicates that   

1 Holyoak, K. J. (1991) Symbolic connectionism: Toward third-generation theories of expertise. In K. A.  Ericsson & J. Smith (Eds.) Toward a General Theory of Expertise: Prospects and Limits, 301-335. Cambridge,  UK: Cambridge University Press. 

2 Bond, E. (2018) The Stunning Variety of Job Titles in the Language Industry. Slator News. Available online: undefined [accessed 20 April 2020]. 3 Angelone, E., Ehrensberger-Dow, M., and Massey, G. (Eds.) (2020) The Bloomsbury Companion to Language  Industry Studies. London: Bloomsbury Academic. 

4 O‘Hagan, M. (Ed.) (2020) The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Technology. London: Routledge.

they may be underequipped to embrace the changes, suggesting that competence profiles, role  awareness and the education that shapes them should better accommodate the added value of adaptive  human translation expertise to serve the broadening needs of a transitioning industry. 

Target audience 

The volume is intended to combine perspectives from research and practice, and should therefore  appeal to actors from both spheres. Addressing an international readership, its primary audience  consists of international translation studies scholars, intermediate to advance students of language  mediation, and language mediator educators and their institutions, all of whom/which are identifiably  affected by the increasingly rapid and widespread shifts taking place in the language industry in  general, and the translation profession in particular. The secondary audience comprises professional  practitioners and language managers working across the transitioning global language industry.  


Chapter proposals are invited on relevant research, practice, theory and/or pedagogy related, but not  limited, to 

- Modes and forms of value-added human translation (e.g. inclusive/accessible and/or  multilingual text design and production, transcreation, co-creation, intercultural mediation) - (Re-)Positioning the human translator in complex sociotechnical environments and/or at the  interface with assistive technologies 

- Evolving translator roles and responsibilities 

- New translator competences, profiles and/or their development 

- New approaches to human translation in translator education 

- New practices, workflows and/or (quality) processes centred on human translation  - Value-adding interprofessional convergence and interfaces (e.g. with organisational  communication, strategic communication, corporate communications, usability, technical  communication, inclusive/accessible communication) 

Deadline for submission of proposals: 31 October 2020

For more information, click here

The 10th International Conference of the Iberian Association for Translation and Interpreting Studies (AIETI), which is being hosted by the University of Minho’s School of Arts and Humanities (ILCH) and Center for Humanistic Studies (CEHUM), will take place on 17, 18 and 19 June, 2021 in Braga at the University of Minho’s Gualtar campus.

This is the first time that the biennial AIETI conference is to be held in Portugal. It is, therefore, a unique opportunity to promote and enrich transdisciplinary dialogue and research practice in Translation and Interpreting Studies not only in the Iberian Peninsula but also more widely in the Lusophone space.

In accordance with the 3rd article of the AIETI’s Statutes, the aim of this conference is to encourage thinking, study, research, teaching and scientific exchange around the different areas of translation and interpreting, as well as promoting awareness of its socio-cultural value and impact.

Under the broad organising themes of journeys and crossings, as well as hospitality and dialogue, the conference aims to inspire discussion around the dynamics of language, culture and knowledge transmission in the context of globalization through the circulation of texts and ideas in translation.

The organising committee welcomes all academics, researchers, professionals and students on this journey through texts and languages. To reclaim a Camonian dictum, you are invited to re-cross “waters previously navigated,” to map and write new cartographies for a “bright wide world.”

Both individual paper proposals and panel proposals will be considered. Conference papers may address but need not be limited to the following topics:

  • History of Translation
  • Theory of Translation
  • Didactics of Translation
  • Interpreting
  • Sociology of Translation
  • Translation Process Studies
  • Applied Linguistics and Translation
  • Activism, Immigration and Conflict
  • Tools and technology
  • Literary Translation
  • Specialized Translation
  • Audiovisual Translation and Multimodality in Translation and Interpreting Studies

Deadline for submissions: 30 November 2020

For more information, click here

Cognitive approaches to studying interpreting have been one of the main streams of research in Interpreting Studies since the 1970s. Recently, as new perspectives continue to form and new methodologies continue to be adopted and as a result of increasing inter-disciplinary cross-pollination, the field of Interpreting Studies has seen a resurgence of cognition-related research, not only in spoken language interpreting, but also in signed language interpreting. Riding on this exciting new wave and continuing our tradition of having a targeted theme, we aspire to use this platform to bring together top and promising scholars in both spoken language interpreting and signed language interpreting to Hong Kong.

We welcome oral presentations and posters on both basic and applied research that fit the sub-themes of the conference or that are related to the conference theme in a broader sense.


  • bimodal and unimodal bilingualism and their implications in interpreting studies
  • modality (bimodal or unimodal) effects in interpreting
  • cognitive processes and constructs in different modalities and modes of interpreting
  • neurological substrates of interpreting
  • attention and memory in interpreting
  • cognitive workload in different modes of interpreting
  • cognitive considerations in machine-aided interpreting
  • cognitive abilities as interpreting aptitude
  • cognition-informed training of interpreters
  • skill acquisition and attrition in interpreters
  • interpreter's cognition throughout the life span

Deadline for submissions: 15 November

For more information, click here

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