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Edward Clay

The Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) is pleased to announce that the CIUTI International Conference will take place for the first time in Lima and Latin America in 2022. CIUTI gathers a group of universities distinguished for their outstanding quality in research and translation and interpreting training.

National and regional processes designed to ensure access to information and public services leverage translation and interpreting (T&I) to promote citizens' rights. The state’s fight against marginalization and poverty and promotion of fundamental rights is continually buffeted by constant tension between both able-bodied and disabled citizens, and their economic activities as these citizens seek access to information, public services, and equality in all its forms. Language services are fundamental to the promotion of human rights in all of these scenarios, even though these services can also be a potential source of inequality.

Deadline for submissions: 26 March 2022

For more information, click here

The School of Modern Languages and Cultures at Warwick invites applications for two outstanding Assistant Professors in Translation and Transcultural Studies. We especially welcome applications from candidates with a proven record of, or clear potential for, addressing cultural, theoretical, or practical dimensions of audiovisual translation and/or translation and technology.

The successful candidates will play a full part in School and sub-department activity, with a remit to develop and help to deliver UG and PG degree-level quality provision in translation and transcultural studies. They will be expected to contribute actively to our UG modules, to our MA in Translation and Cultures and to our PhD in Translation and Transcultural Studies.

Deadline for applications: 13 March 2022

For more information, click here

The department Survey Design & Methodology (SDM) is both nationally and internationally recognized for its expertise in survey methodology, gained over many years by conducting own research as well as consulting on and implementing renowned survey projects.

The European Social Survey (ESS) is an academically driven cross-national survey that has been conducted across Europe regarding long-term changes in attitude and behaviour of Europe’s population. The advertised position is part of the third-party funded project European Social Survey (ESS ERIC) in the field of questionnaire translation.

Your tasks will be:

  • Further development and enhancement of the translation tool “TranslationCTRL”, used in the ESS, in collaboration with programmers; supporting the national ESS translation teams using this tool
  • Collaboration in the various ongoing tasks of the ESS Workpackage “Questionnaire Translation”; this includes, amongst others, drafting guidance and training material, providing consultancy on translatability of source questionnaires based on specific language families, as well as preparation and follow-up on international meetings

Your profile:

  • University degree (Master or corresponding level) in Translation, Linguistics or another relevant field
  • Familiarity with Computer-Aided Translation Tools. Good knowledge of Machine Translation and Post-Editing is an advantage
  • Practical experience in translation and especially translation of questionnaires is an advantage
  • Very good command of spoken and written English (C1 or higher) as well as at least one additional European language
  • Interest in working in an interdisciplinary research environment

Deadline for applications: 20 Feb 2022

For more information, click here

A fixed-term 100 % position is available at the University of Agder, Faculty of Humanities and Education, as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow affiliated to the Department of Foreign Languages and Translation, for a period of two years. The position is located at the University of Agder’s Kristiansand campus. The starting date is according to agreement. About the Faculty:
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The position is affiliated with the research group Agder Forum for Translation Studies (AFO): The research group was established in 2019 and is in a process involving both expansion and consolidation as it establishes itself in national and international arenas. The fellowship will contribute to further strengthening the research activity of the group.

Deadline for applications: 10 March 2022

For more information, click here

A full-time, indivisible, position in the field of Translation from Spanish into French, within the
Department of Modern Languages: Linguistics, Literature and Translation. This post includes teaching,
research and services to the Community.

Teaching activities:
TRAD0074-1 Contrastive Spanish-French linguistics (30 h)
TRAD0073-1 Theory and Practice of Translation from Spanish into French I (30 h)
TRAD0076-1 Theory and Practice of Translation from Spanish into French II (30 h)
TRAD0118-1 Specialised translation from Spanish into French: culture and literature (30h)
- Literary translation
TRAD0160-1– Spanish - General Translation into French and Sight Translation (60 h)
- Spanish - General translation into French
- Spanish-French sight translation
LROM9028-2 Spanish language II (75 h)

Research Activities:
Research and publications in an area relating to the workload. Affiliation to a research unit, where

Deadline for applications: 1 March 2022

For more information, click here

Special Issue in The Translator, edited by Cornelia Zwischenberger and Leandra Sitte

Several relatively new forms of translation have emerged following the advent of the participatory Web 2.0. These include solicited forms of translation such as translation crowdsourcing used by for-profit companies like Facebook or Twitter. There are also other forms of translation like machine translation or self-translation occurring on social media platforms, especially on newer representatives like Instagram or TikTok (Desjardins 2019). Translation crowdsourcing is also employed by non-profit organizations like TED or Kiva. While these companies or organizations recruit voluntary and unpaid translators, there are also several translation platforms such as Gengo or Unbabel which employ paid translation crowdsourcing at below market rates (Jiménez-Crespo 2021). Furthermore, these relatively new forms of translation also include a wide range of unsolicited and self-managed types of translation such as interlingual knowledge-sharing through Wikipedia (Jones 2017, 2019; McDonough Dolmaya 2015, 2017) or Yeeyan (Yang 2020) as well as the various types of online fan translations such as fansubbing, fandubbing, scanlations or translation hacking (Fabbretti 2019; Lee 2009; Orrego-Carmona 2019; Muñoz Sánchez 2007, 2009).

Even though these more recent phenomena and the communities involved in the translation process have caught the attention of Translation Studies scholars and have been studied from multiple perspectives, two lacunae have been identified by Zwischenberger (2021). Firstly, there is no consensus as to what constitutes the most appropriate top-level concept for these translation phenomena. Several candidates are currently being used concomitantly, including online collaborative translation, voluntary translation, user-generated translation (UGT), and social online translation, to name but a few. Secondly, research into the ethical implications of these online translation practices is lacking in depth and number. Ethical issues are only rarely addressed directly in the relevant literature and if so they are addressed only in passing. The special issue will tackle these two lacunae, with the groundwork having already been laid by our one-day symposium Translation on and over the Web: Disentangling its conceptual uncertainties and ethical questions, held in November 2021.

Deadline for submissions: 30 April 2022

For more information, click here

The Centre for Translation Studies is seeking a University assistant (prae doc) in the field of Transcultural Communication (Prof. Dr. Cornelia Zwischenberger) with a focus on online collaborative translation (e.g. Translation Crowdsourcing, Fansubbing, Fandubbing, Scanlation, Translation hacking). These types of online collaborative translation are investigated as specific forms of transcultural communication where both the translation process as well as its product are characterized by particular hybridity. The Centre for Translation Studies (ZTW) at the University of Vienna, Austria is one of 20 academic units (faculties and centres) of the University of Vienna. In addition to the area of teaching (transcultural communication, translation studies, translation and interpreting education in 14 languages, etc.), the Centre conducts research in several key research areas. Cutting-edge research is conducted by professors, habilitated staff members, predoctoral and postdoctoral researchers, senior lecturers and many more. More than 120 lecturers teach translation-related subjects to about 3,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students.

The employment relationship is initially limited to 1.5 years and is automatically extended to a total of 4 years, unless the employer submits a declaration of non-renewal after a maximum of 12 months.

Deadline for applications: 1 May 2022

For more information, click here

After a very successful online conference in 2021, we look forward to welcoming you back to Berlin from 7 – 9 November 2022 for the 14th edition of Languages & The Media, the International Conference and Exhibition on Language Transfer in Audiovisual Media.

Languages & The Media 2022 will be held at Radisson Blu Hotel, which has been our home for the past decade. We are pleased to return to it and enjoy our traditional workshops, presentations, panels and networking with good old-fashioned face-to-face interaction with all of you.

We have certainly ridden not one but multiple waves of discovery and discussion since we last met in person. The streaming revolution has continued strong and is still picking up pace, as original content is exploding, especially in languages other than English, with renewed attention paid to inclusion and diversity, as well as accessibility for all. Workflows and tools have moved entirely to the cloud, to enable more remote connections as home-working has become the new norm in the post-pandemic world, while automation is being applied at every step of the production chain. From online platforms that support better media and project management, to language technologies aimed at augmenting translators’ capabilities with more tools under their belt, to sound and VFX-type technologies used to recreate performances in any language one can imagine, new tech solutions for the media and entertainment sector keep springing up one after the other - with a strong influx of funding to boost their development. 

2020 was the year that dubbing got disrupted and a host of new software applications and solutions appeared in the market, bringing this popular audiovisual translation practice closer to its cinephile cousin, subtitling. The perennial question of whether to dub or to sub was asked anew in 2021 and the answer was a resounding ‘both’, as viewers around the world got reacquainted with the art of media localization. As with other topics that make global headlines, be it a new vaccine or the quality of translation in a top grossing show, everyone has an opinion. If there was ever a time for the creative media localization experts to escape the invisibility of their profession and tell the world their story, it is now.

Deadline for submissions: 14 February 2022

For more information, click here

Scholars from Translation Studies and other disciplines (such as Sociology or Communication Studies) are increasingly becoming more interested in the multi-faceted and thought-provoking topic of interpreting and translation provided by non-professionals of any age and background, with or without remuneration, under a variety of circumstances, and for a wide spectrum of reasons. Non-professional interpreting and translation (NPIT) are widespread enough to allow us to see translation and interpreting not only as recognized and established professions but also as a ubiquitous social practice of much-needed mediation. In this context, one might attempt to investigate NPIT not merely as an opposite, and perhaps problematic, or even renegade, pole to professional mediation, but as ‘unstated’ mediation. NPIT presents an acceptable practice, which, however, remains less visible and less appreciated not only by professionals and society in general but even by non-professional interpreters and translators themselves.

Delving into the ethical aspects of NPIT would provide perhaps one of the most inclusive categories which can act as a generic framework for investigating the forms it can take and its repercussions for all ‘sides’ involved. More specifically, the NPIT6 Conference at the University of Cyprus in Nicosia will attempt to explore the ethical questions arising from the ‘unstated’ character of NPIT. In so doing, NPIT6 aims to align itself with contemporary research trends and continue the fruitful discussions of the previous NPIT conferences, from the ‘natal’ one at the University of Bologna/Forlì in 2012, through to NPIT2 in Mainz/Germersheim (2014), NPIT3 in Zurich (2016), NPIT4 in Stellenbosch (2018), and NPIT5 in Amsterdam & Utrecht (2021). In the 2023 conference, emphasis is placed on the status and conceptualization of NPIT, as well as on ethical questions regarding not only NPIT itself but also professional interpreting and translation, their role in society, and their possible impact on the very notions of mediation and professional identity.

The 6th International Conference on Non-Professional Interpreting and Translation (NPIT6) Organizing Committee invites proposals for presentations on any theoretical, empirical, and/or methodological aspect of research related to the conference theme. For all proposals, the official conference language is English.

Three categories of proposals will be considered: (i) individual presentations, (ii) panels, and (iii) posters. Topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Ethics and professional identity
  • Mapping NPIT
  • Ethical models of mediation
  • Conceptualizations of ethical conduct by professional and non-professional mediators
  • Human crises, conflict situations, and ad hoc translation and/or interpreting
  • Adult/child language and cultural brokering / Family interpreting
  • Non-professional vs professional community translation and interpreting settings (NGOs, asylum-seeking, health care, community and social care, courts, and police)
  • Non-professional translation and/or interpreting within other professional contexts (teaching, journalism, business communication, etc.)
  • Information technologies and machine translation
  • Natural/native translation and interpreting
  • Non-professional church/religious interpreting and/or translation
  • Non-professional interpreting and/or translation for the media
  • Non-professional sign language interpreting
  • Stakeholder perspectives on non-professional interpreters and translators
  • Training for non-professional interpreters and translators
  • Integration of non-professional mediators into professional communities

Deadline for proposals: 18 September 2022

For more information, click here

The conference participants will be addressed by keynote speakers followed by conference sections bringing together researchers in: 

  • linguistics (various aspects in linguistics and translation), 
  • terminology (with emphasis on specialized biology lexis and terminology), 
  • language technology and 
  • lexicography.

Researchers on similar topics related to linguistic diversity, terminology, and statistics are also welcome to apply.

Deadline for abstracts: 31 July 2022

For more information, click here 

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