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Edward Clay

Based on a thematic area that examines empirical approaches in law and language studies, the present special section assembles three exemplary contributions outlining the possible dimensions of how empirical work can contribute to language and law. Some authors of these contributions explore cross-linguistic empirical work on communication between police and victims, witnesses and suspects, and the impact that linguistic and cultural differences can have; other authors utilise a corpus-based approach, which is combined with terminology studies to gain robust empirical data on terminological variation both within one language and inter-lingually; and yet other authors do experimental research, testing the claims of different theories on legal interpretation as to whether legal interpretation fundamentally differs from the ordinary understanding processes of language. These contributions thus illustrate the various ways in which all of these lines of research are able to complement existing research, open up new lines of inquiry and question or confirm existing assumptions.

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The Routledge Handbook of Public Service Interpreting provides a comprehensive overview of research in public service, or community interpreting. It offers reflections and suggestions for improving public service communication in plurilingual settings and provides tools for dealing with public service communication in a global society.

Written by leading and emerging scholars from across the world, this volume provides an editorial introduction setting the work of public service interpreting (PSI) in context and further reading suggestions. Divided into three parts, the first is dedicated to the main theoretical issues and debates which have shaped research on public service interpreting; the second discusses the characteristics of interpreting in the settings which have been most in need of public service interpreting services; the third provides reflections and suggestions on interpreter as well as provider training, with an aim to improve public service interpreting services.

This Handbook is the essential guide for all students, researchers and practitioners of PSI within interpreting and translation studies, medicine and health studies, law, social services, multilingualism and multimodality.

For more information, click here

Note: due to popular request, we have changed the paper deadlines to give authors more time. The new date for paper submissions is 3 March 2023

The European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT) invites everyone interested in machine translation and translation-related tools and resources ― developers, researchers, users, translation and localization professionals and managers ― to participate in this conference.

Driven by the state of the art, the research community will demonstrate their cutting-edge research and results. Professional machine translation users will provide insight into successful MT implementation of machine translation (MT) in business scenarios as well as implementation scenarios involving large corporations, governments, or NGOs. Translation studies scholars and translation practitioners are also invited to share their first-hand MT experience, which will be addressed during a special track.
Note that papers that have been archived in arXiv can be accepted for submission provided that they have not already been published elsewhere.

For more information, click here

In recent years, there has been a surge in publications addressing the political impact of translation and interpreting across a variety of locations and settings (Baker, 2016a and 2016b; Doerr, 2018; Evans and Fernández, 2018; Fernández, 2020a; Valdeón and Calafat, 2020; Tesseur, 2022, to name a few). In this context, this special issue seeks to highlight the importance of translation and interpreting for the practice of solidarity.

Although this is a powerful and frequently used concept, it is also conflicting and has generally remained undertheorised (as argued by Bayertz, 1999; Pensky, 2008; Featherstone, 2012). In this sense, this project will follow Featherstone (2012, pp. 5) in understanding solidarity as ‘a relation forged through political struggle which seeks to challenge forms of oppression’. Importantly, this also implies that solidarity is ‘transformative’, as it constructs ‘relations between places, activists, diverse social groups’, while creating ‘new ways of relating’ (ibid.). In other words, solidarity does not need to happen exclusively between groups that are similar and homogeneous; quite on the contrary, it can be innovative, developing unexpected links between previously unconnected realities.

In this light, the practice of solidarity shows strong similarities with the work of translation and interpreting, as both seek to establish new connections between individuals and groups. In fact, translation can be the decisive factor in the construction of solidarity, as it brings to the fore an issue or conflict that would normally remain unnoticed due to linguistic and cultural barriers. Despite these affinities, solidarity has been rarely used as a frame of analysis in Translation Studies (some notable exceptions being Abou Rached, 2020; Baker, 2016b, 2016c and 2020; Mortada, 2016). This seems even more striking if we consider that solidarity could play a central role in understanding a variety of issues and practices that are already relevant within the discipline, such as the activity of volunteer translators —either individually (Guo, 2008; Cheung, 2010) or as part of communities (Baker, 2006a; Boéri, 2012; Pérez-González and Susam Saraeva, 2012)— and the involvement of interpreters in the protection and well-being of migrants (Aguilar-Solano, 2015; Taronna, 2016; Fathi, 2020).

At the same time, solidarity can be also understood as a narrative (in the sense proposed by Baker, 2006b): citizens and activists who engage in the practice of solidarity frequently rely on a narrative, that is, a kind of shared story that guides their behaviour and legitimises their purposes and motivations, shaping the identities of those involved in the process and the elements that bring them together. While some narratives might be based on ‘universal’ values (e.g. justice, human rights, moral duty), others might depend on more concrete factors (i.e. supporting the same political values or belonging to the same creed). Furthermore, the mobilisation of a successful and convincing narrative is often a key factor for the expansion of a political cause (Baker, 2006b, pp. 21-22), particularly among those who are not familiar with it. Taking into account the great importance that narratives have played in recent research within Translation Studies (e.g. Boéri, 2008; Baker, 2010; Harding, 2012; Probirskaja, 2016; Jones, 2018; Fernández, 2020b) and beyond it (Engebretsen and Baker 2022), this special issue would also like to encourage the interaction between narratives and solidarity as a promising research path.  

A list of potential research topics includes, but is not limited to, the following:

-       Solidarity as a motivation for activist and volunteer translators and interpreters

-       The emergence and development of solidarity campaigns thanks to translation

-       Narratives of solidarity and translation: How is solidarity narrated? Which ‘frames of solidarity’ are constructed through translation? How are narratives of solidarity (e.g. in literature and the arts) translated?

-       Conceptual and theoretical affinities between solidarity and translation

-       Solidarity with/between migrants and the importance of translation/interpreting

-       Solidarity, identity politics (e.g. LGBT+ groups, feminism, Black Lives Matter), and translation/interpreting

-       Solidarity and translation projects for fundraising purposes

-       Solidarity, translation, and interpreting in armed conflicts.


For more information, click here

Deadline for abstracts: 1 March 2023

This book provides readers, students and teachers with a clear and concise guide to understanding the concepts of offensive and taboo language and how this type of language can be subtitled into Spanish used in Spain. It combines theoretical and practical approaches and covers technical matters, as well as those of censorship, (ideological) manipulation, translation strategies and techniques, the treatment of offensive and taboo language and how to conduct research in this field. It includes an array of examples from recent films and TV series to present the reader with real samples of subtitles broadcast on digital platforms today. In addition, each chapter includes exercises with which the reader can put theory into practice, as well as possible solutions in the form of answer keys. It will be of use not only to researchers and students, but also to future audiovisual translators seeking to acquire further knowledge in the transfer of offensive and taboo language.

For more information, click here

Language boundaries are not transparent; from translation to migration studies, we know that they cannot
be crossed without sacrifice and a complex negotiation of gains. Yet we routinely compare stylistic features
in different languages in fields such as comparative literature, translation, literary multilingualism and
translingualism, world and postcolonial literature, or the study of international literary movements.
Whenever a work is translated, or a writer is a user of multiple languages, or one writer is influenced by
reading another’s work in a foreign language (and sometimes, perhaps, in translation), and in several other
settings, questions of stylistic transfer become both relevant and essential.

Outside of translation studies, there has been little attempt to account for the nature, effects and limitations
of such stylistic osmosis. When do stylistic features developed in one language cross into another? What
happens when they do? To what extent do they remain the same in another linguistic context? What are the
limitations to recreating stylistic characteristics of a text in another language? How can this phenomenon be
studied systematically beyond translation studies and what existing theoretical approaches can help clarify
the processes involved? How will accounting for them affect the discipline?

This conference offers a venue to discuss cross-lingual stylistic transfer as an approach to understanding
crucial aspects of today’s globalised literary market. It will address the question of stylistic border crossings
in four sections: (1) translation, (2) influence, (3) multilingualism and (4) theoretical approaches.
We now invite papers on this theme. Papers may address (but are not limited to) such questions as:

• Case studies of attempts to recreate style across languages, or other situations of transfer of stylistic
characteristics from one language to another
• What is style and to what extent is it bound to a language?
• Do approaches to stylistic transfer developed in translation studies apply in other literary contexts,
and how?
• The (ir)relevance of cross-lingual stylistics, and of style as a concept, in today’s literary studies
• Possible transfer mechanisms and settings
• Linguistic and stylometrical approaches
• Transfer of style in and via translation
• Stylistic stereotypes as an influence on other cultures
• Bilateral transfer situations


Deadline for submissions: 31 Jan

For more information, click here

Presentday organisation of the world in terms of globalisation inevitably involves the condition of
mutual co-implication among all inhabitants over the planet (attested by the current pandemic and increase of
famine in Africa caused by the Ukraine war). We are now in all 8 billion. We propose here to read the signs
of total interconnection, of total interdependency: hence semiotics of globalisation. Specifically, we propose
to read these signs from the perspective of what has been tagged “semioethics”, where “ethics” is understood
in Emmanuel Levinas’s sense of the term: that is, as “intrigue”, “entanglement”: reference is to the condition
just mentioned of “mutual co-implication”, of “reciprocal involvement”. The primary concern is that life
over the entire planet, today under severe threat, be granted the possibility to continue and flourish.

This workshop welcomes proposals that focus on any of the topics outlined, whether directly or
indirectly, developing aspects and implications, thus contributing to a more comprehensive understanding
and exemplification of the issues at stake

Deadline for proposals: 6 Feb

For more information, click here

The first edition of the Lisbon Spring School in Translation Studies will take place in the Portuguese capital between 13 and 18 March 2023, aiming, above all, to open space for the sharing of ideas, methodologies and good practices about/in the field of Translation Studies (TE).

The breadth of the event's guiding topic - "Translation is a many-splendored thing" - was purposely defined: on the one hand, to do justice to the nature of TE as an interdiscipline; on the other, to encourage the participation of (and learn from) young researchers and students working on TE, regardless of the object of study, school of thought, language(s) and/or country of origin.

As an international event, Spring School will feature lectures by scholars affiliated to national and international institutions, paper presentation sessions (by PhD students and early career researchers), poster presentation sessions (by MA students) and workshops on translation, including also a cultural programme.

The event will take place at the Universidade Católica Portuguesa and the Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

Deadline for proposals: 20 Jan

For more information, click here

The Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Faculty of Humanities, Copenhagen University (UCPH), Denmark, invites applications for a position as either tenure-track assistant professor or associate professor in English and Translation Studies to be filled by 1 August 2023 or as soon as possible thereafter.

The Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies is home to approx. 40 research staff members, 15 PhD students, 10 postdocs and 30 part time lecturers, 14 administrative staff, and 1200 students. The Department produces research of the highest international standard in language, literature and society related to Western Europe, Australia, the USA, Canada, Latin America and parts of Africa. The department offers 6 degree programmes: English Studies, French Studies, German Studies, Italian Studies, Spanish and Latin American Studies and a MA in International Business Communication.

The appointee will:

Conduct research within the field of English and Translation Studies.
Teach courses in Translation Studies, translation between English and Danish, and English linguistic disciplines at BA and MA level and, as Associate Professor, also at PhD level.
Undertake examinations and administrative tasks.
Supervise BA and MA students and, as Associate Professor, also PhD candidates.
Apply for external funding in order to develop and strengthen the field of research and the department’s research environment.
Collaborate with relevant stakeholders outside the University.
Applicants should indicate if they apply at the assistant professor or the associate professor level. Applicants who want to be considered for both levels, should submit two applications – one for the tenure-track position and one for the associate professor position.

Deadline for applications: 6 Feb

For more information, click here

The Department of Translation, Interpreting and Communication of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy at Ghent University offers a Bachelor's degree in Applied Language Studies, and three one-year Master's degrees (Translation, Interpreting, Multilingual Communication),  a two-year European Master in Technology for Translation and Interpreting and three postgraduate programmes (Conference Interpreting, Computer-Assisted Language Mediation, Dutch and Translation). We are seeking to appoint a multilingual assistant professor (tenure track) with specialisation in Audiovisual Translation. The appointment will include academic teaching, academic research, and academic services. The earliest starting date of the position is 1 September 2023.

You will be responsible for teaching different modalities of Audiovisual Translation (e.g. inter- and intralingual subtitling, dubbing, audio description, audio subtitling, voiceover, re-speaking, live subtitling) to native Dutch-speaking students as well as international students. As a multilingual expert you are able to translate into Dutch or English and from one or a number of languages taught in our curricula (Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish). Depending on your specific language expertise you will also contribute to foreign language teaching and/or specialized translation courses. You will supervise bachelor and master dissertations in our curricula.

Deadline for applications: 13 Feb

For more information, click here

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