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Edward Clay

Schematically, translation studies acknowledges that a text can be translated from one language into another but tends to see source and target texts as stable entities, while in textual scholarship, texts are understood to take many forms, but the different textual manifestations are usually studied only within one language.

In recent years, however, we have seen interdisciplinary approaches that go beyond the source text–target text pair in the case of translation studies and cross linguistic borders when it comes to textual scholarship. For example, thematic journal issues have explored multilingualism and translation from the point of view of textual scholarship (Dillen, Macé, and van Hulle eds. 2012), combined genetic criticism with translation (Durand-Bogaert ed. 2014), and laid out the foundations for genetic translation studies (Cordingley and Montini eds. 2015). Translation can also be seen as a means for bringing out different interpretations of a text and as an intertwined part of writing (Reynolds ed. 2019). Similarly, studies on closely related themes, such as multilingual writing, self-translation, collaborative translation, retranslation, indirect translation, pseudotranslation, backtranslation, and adaptation, may equally provide insights into the complex geneses and networks of dependence that lie behind texts that have manifestations in several languages (Gambier 1994; Bistué 2013). Studies on these kinds of themes often draw on archival resources, as archival material can provide information on translating, translations, and translators (Kujamäki 2018; Cordingley and Hersant eds. 2021).

Interdisciplinary studies that put translation studies and textual scholarship (as well as neighboring fields such as literary studies and book history) into dialogue bring to the fore questions of texttransmission and translation – that is, they address trextuality by discussing how texts take different forms through transmission and by highlighting the role of translation in it. To foster such interdisciplinary dialogue, this conference invites proposals on topics that engage with the concepts of text, transmission, and/or translation, as well as proposals that address the potential of archival resources in the study of these and related themes. Potential topics for proposals include but are not limited to:

  • textual scholarship and scholarly editing of translated and multilingual texts, translations of critical editions;
  • textual critics as translators, translators as textual critics;
  • genetic translation studies;
  • multilingual writing, self-translation, collaborative translation, editorial processes of translation;
  • retranslation, indirect translation, pseudotranslation, backtranslation, adaptation;
  • diachronic and synchronic perspectives on text, transmission, and/or translation;
  • translator and author archives, manuscript studies;
  • textual theory, questions of multimodality, materiality, digital texts;
  • theoretical and methodological reflections on interdisciplinary studies relating to trextuality.

Deadline for submissions: 27 Feb 2023

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On 26 and 27 June 2023, Universidade Católica Portuguesa will host the international conference "Translation and the News: state of the art, dialogues, reflections". 

The fundamental aim of the event is to enquire into the various intersections that can arise from putting journalism and translation studies in dialogue, thus contributing to the development of a subarea of both translation and journalism studies which has still room to explore. Journalistic translation opens up new research avenues concerning both news and translation. However, while translation studies’ scholars have initiated a discussion around translation practices in the news, journalism studies have not yet addressed the relevance of translation as a key practice in news writing. 

Deadline for proposals: 10 March 2023

For more information, click here

Special topics TIC 2023 wishes to host

Translation and interpreting building borders and bridges

Virality – opportunity and challenge for translating and interpreting world

Access and inclusion – communication designs for all

Creativity in human-machine cooperation in the context of current developments in technologies, experimental literature, and translation and interpreting

Negotiating translation/interpreting zones

Activism and manipulation: towards objective methods for knowledge-based action in TIS

Political motivation for setting initial norm in translation/interpreting projects

Language hostility and hospitality as a decisive factor in integration of refugees in new societies

Social representation theory as a tool for measuring translators’ status and public image

Translators’ and interpreters’ visibility and social responsibility

Isolation and remoteness – future for a new generation of translators and interpreters?

Historical justice in narrating translation histories

Generational and technological turn in TIS

Translator and interpreter training in post-pandemic world


Deadline for submissions: 30 March 2023

For more information, click here

Inspired by Cork’s legendary reputation as “Rebel County”, the focus of the third annual TSNI conference will be on
the potential for translation in all its forms as a radical force, resistant to linguistic and cultural homogenization, and
open to alternative modes of writing, understanding and navigating the different societies, cultures and worldviews
traversing our planet. From celebrating the creativity of rebel translators who have contributed to changing the
ways in which we experience and interpret different writers, texts, source cultures and dominant poetics to
acknowledging the role of activist translation in countering inequality and furthering societal and environmental
justice, the agency of translator(s) in enabling everyday encounters with difference will be placed at the centre of
the conference programme.

Alongside this, we welcome papers on the translation of aesthetically and politically radical texts and ideas
throughout history, recognising both the importance of translators in the transmission of revolutionary ideologies
across linguistic, national and geographical borders, and the ways in which apprehension of the role of different
modes of translation in these processes transforms approaches to social, cultural, political and disciplinary
boundaries. As well as discussion of radical theoretical models and technological solutions to the challenges of
translatability, ranging from Quine’s thought experiment in radical translation to Spivak’s ethically-grounded readeras-translator,

and/or more recent concepts of resistance, abusive fidelity and (e)co-translational resilience, we
encourage alternative models of presenting research data and findings, that go beyond the traditional 20-minute
paper to include creative and intersemiotic responses.
There will also be a dedicated poster session during the conference.

Deadline for submissions: 20 January 2023

For more information, click here

In this Element, the authors focus on the translational dimension of 'on-screen language' (OSL). They analyse a data set covering the Polish localisations of Tom Clancy's The Division 2 and Shadow Warrior 2, from which over 1000 cases of unique and meaningful OSL were extracted, almost exclusively in languages other than Polish. Close to 100 representative examples are examined in this Element to map out a comprehensive typological account of OSL. First, visual-verbal stimuli are categorised by their prominence in the 3D environment. The second typology focuses on the identified OSL functions. A supplementary typological distinction is proposed based on the technical (static vs. dynamic) implementation of OSL. The discussion of findings and implications notably comprises input from an interview that the authors conduced with a lead level developer behind Shadow Warrior 2 to provide a complementary professional perspective on OSL and its translation.

For more information, click here

The European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT) invites everyone interested in machine translation and translation-related tools and resources ― developers, researchers, users, translation and localization professionals and managers ― to participate in this conference.

Driven by the state of the art, the research community will demonstrate their cutting-edge research and results. Professional machine translation users will provide insight into successful MT implementation of machine translation (MT) in business scenarios as well as implementation scenarios involving large corporations, governments, or NGOs. Translation studies scholars and translation practitioners are also invited to share their first-hand MT experience, which will be addressed during a special track.

Deadline for submissions: 10 February 2023

For more information, click here

Translaboration brings translation and collaboration into dialogue with one another. It theorises new forms of collaboration not only between humans, but also between humans and machines, posits the text as an actor in the translation process, and stresses the potential confluence, rather than opposition, of analogue and digital spaces. The contributors to this volume explore translaboration from a wide range of perspectives and challenge prevalent binaries such as analogue/digital, professional/non-professional, paid/voluntary, individual/collective, production/consumption, among others. Their articles shine a light on the social, political, disciplinary, and ethical implications of the power differentials at play in collaborative translation. Through the lens of translaboration, they probe what translation and collaboration are, should be, and are capable of being.

For more information, click here

Wednesday, 23 November 2022 11:37

Spanish Lecturer A, University of Surrey

The School of Literature and Languages is a vibrant and innovative School with an international research and teaching portfolio in Linguistics, Translation and Interpreting Studies, Modern Languages, English Literature and Creative Writing, and Intercultural Communication. Modern Languages at Surrey was ranked no 8 in in the Guardian University Guide 2022 and Iberian Languages and French were positioned at 8 and 9 respectively in The Time Good University Guide 2022. We are seeking exceptional academics whose ambitions in both research and teaching complement those of our forward-looking School.

We seek to appoint a Lecturer A in Spanish to consolidate our teaching of Spanish as part of our Modern Languages programme, to take part in our research environment in relevant areas across the school and to add to our research productivity, and to develop and contribute to our impact and public engagement activities. A particular interest in Peninsular Spanish (sociolinguistics, translation, or culture and society) would be an advantage.

The successful candidate will join a dynamic and innovative subject team, with strong teaching and research specialisms in related areas such as sociolinguistics, translation and interpreting studies, transnationalism, comparative literature and mobility. They will be able to teach primarily in Spanish at all levels on the undergraduate programmes, contributing to the team delivery of programmes focused on advanced language proficiency, intercultural skills as well as employability. They will be enthusiastic about pastoral care and keen to support students during their year abroad, including by undertaking placement visits abroad when required.

Deadline for applications: 11 December 2022

For more information, click here

Guest Editors: Miriam P. Leibbrand, Tinka Reichmann, Ursula Wienen

Hermeneutics, Specialized Communication, and Translation

The convergence of translation studies and research oriented towards specialized communication
on the one hand and, on the other, translation studies and hermeneutics more broadly has been
observable for several years. This issue of the Yearbook of Translational Hermeneutics aims to
bring together research and theory-building at these interfaces from an intercultural and transcultural perspective.
The scholarly investigation of translation in the sense of transcultural specialized communication (i.e. specialized translation and interpreting) encompasses theoretical and empirical approaches drawn from such diverse disciplines as translation studies, linguistics (text linguistics,
language for special purposes, legal linguistics, business linguistics, etc.), communication studies,
cultural studies, and the respective areas of study they imply (law, economics, technology, medicine, etc.). Translational hermeneutics, in turn, is fed by a variety of approaches ranging from
understanding in terms of the art and craft of interpretation which is performed by the translating
individual, through to approaches to translation and translation research informed by literary studies, cognitive science, and sociology (including the sociology of understanding), and also philosophically oriented approaches, especially those framed by phenomenological and philosophical
hermeneutics. It can therefore be assumed that a more in-depth study of hermeneutics, specialized
communication, and translation, has the potential to embrace a variety of scholarly approaches and
can moreover accommodate a wide range of topics and questions.
Possible topics for conceptual and empirical contributions to this issue of the Yearbook of
Translational Hermeneutics include:
• The (textual) horizons of transcultural specialized communication in history and at the present day
• Hermeneutics and rhetoric in transcultural specialized communication
• Professional action as hermeneutic action (e.g. legal hermeneutics, comparative law, legal
translation; professional ethics)
• Specialized interpreting and hermeneutics (interpreting in the courtroom, interpreting for
the police, interpreting in asylum proceedings, etc.; interpreting at specialized conferences;
processes of understanding, orality in specialized communication, rhetoric in interpreting,
• Methodological approaches to transcultural specialized communication framed in terms of
translational hermeneutics
• The anthropological dimension of transcultural specialized communication in translation
practice, translation studies and translation didactics
      o Humanism and hermeneutic thinking and acting versus posthumanism and
transhumanism in translation and specialized communication 
      o Interpretive approaches of hermeneutics and philosophy in terms of human-machine interaction in translation and specialized communication
      o Hermeneutics and translation technologies in translation and specialized communication
• The translationally acting (socio-cognitive) subject in its interaction in specialized contexts
(translation processes, actors, agency, collaborative translation in transcultural specialized
• Transcultural specialized communication, hermeneutics and cognition
• Transcultural specialized communication, hermeneutics and creativity
• Transcultural specialized communication, hermeneutics and performativity

Deadline for abstracts: 31 December 2022

For more information, click here

The Opportunity

Monash University is honoured to be the first Australian university to receive a licence to operate in China, one of the world’s largest and fastest-growing economies, via the partnership at Suzhou with the Southeast University (SEU), one of China’s key national universities as well as the establishment of Monash Suzhou. The SEU-Monash partnership consists of the Joint Research Institute (JRI) and the Joint Graduate School (JGS), and will produce postgraduates and researchers with ideas to change people’s lives in the region and the world for the better.

The JRI conducts multi-disciplinary research projects in areas of strategic importance to industry in Australia and China. To facilitate the collaboration, Monash established The Monash Suzhou Science and Technology Research Institute (MSSTRI) and currently has five priority research themes that address strategic issues of mutual interest, including:

Advanced computation in science and engineering;
advanced materials and manufacturing;
energy and environment;
future cities; and
life sciences.
We are seeking an individual passionate about undertaking research in Translation Studies as well as multidisciplinary research through the application of Translation Studies to problems in one or more of the five research themes above.

You will also be responsible for teaching Chinese-English interpreting and translation units that form part of the Double Masters in Interpreting and Translation Studies in the JGS, and supervision of graduate research students at Master and PhD level.

To be successful in this position you will have completed a doctoral qualification in Translation Studies, or related discipline area together with subsequent research and teaching experience; a record of publications and high-level technical skills and abilities.

An appropriately qualified appointee will be offered an honorary adjunct appointment as a Lecturer with the Faculty of Arts of Monash University, to be held conjointly with the appointment as Research Fellow, MSSTRI.

This role is a full-time position; however, flexible working arrangements may be negotiated.

Deadline for applications: 4 December 2022

For more information, click here

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