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Displaying items by tag: translation

Call for papers for Issue 13 of the International Journal Syn-Thèses published by the School of French Language and Literature Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

“Once upon a time… and still going on”. The inclusion of the traditional tale in contemporary children’s literature: literary, educational, and translation issues

Over the past forty years, the folk and literary tale has been enjoying an extraordinary revival. Contemporary writers have been inspired by traditional tales and have explored their motifs in a variety of ways in their own fiction, including novels, short stories, plays, as well as new tales. A volume entitled L’épanchement du conte dans la littérature, edited by Christiane Connan-Pintado, Pascale Auraix-Jonchière and Gilles Béhotéguy (2018), brings together several interesting texts that question the relationship of the tale with different literary genres, which it hybridizes by being incorporated into them.

In the forthcoming issue of the journal Syn-Thèses, we propose to address this renewed and hybrid presence of the tale within children’s literature, aiming to highlight the literary, educational, and translation issues that this new tale-writing is confronted with.

Published in Calls for Papers

CFP for the panel entitled Emotions, Translation and Encountering the Other as part of the upcoming 15th World Congress of Semiotics (“Semiotics in the Lifeworld”, Thessaloniki, Greece, August 30 – September 3, 2022). The conference will be held both online and in person.

Published in Calls for Papers

FUSP – Nida Centre for Advanced Research on Translation 

Summer School 2022

23 May – 3 June 2022

Exploring translational modes: practices, objects, life forms

The FUSP ? Nida Centre for Advanced Research on Translation invites advanced graduate students to a ten-day online gathering with a brand-new format: via virtual access from anywhere in the world, students will participate in an ongoing dialogue with faculty who will gather in person.

The title of our summer school ? E?ploring translational modes: practices, objects, life forms ? emphasi?es that translation can be studied and practiced in a plurality of ways, perspectives, and approaches.

We focus on the translational mode as it is enacted through cultural practices, through the interpretation and interconnection of objects, and through different forms of life and living.

We welcome you to bring your innovative research and share your questions with our reunited and constantly expanding scholarly community!

For full details, application, and contact click

Published in Conferences
Wednesday, 02 February 2022 11:06

Museum Translation: Interaction and Engagement

A short series of Webinars

1 – 10 March 2022 

This online event, made up of 4 related webinars held over 2 weeks, is co-hosted by the Training Committee, International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS) and The Centre for Translation & Interpreting Studies in Scotland (CTISS), at Heriot-Watt University.

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Saturday, 16 October 2021 23:34

The “Geo” turn in Translation Studies

Space and spatiality have been significant coordinates in the study of translation in the West. The concept has long been included in humanities and social sciences too by scholars like Edward Soja (1989); Warf & Arias (2009). This panel aims to question how the concept of “geo” features in translation and analyse translation as a point of intersection and relationality that redefines our concepts of spatial axis and territorial coordinates. This panel will try to bring in disciplines of geometry and geography to the terrain of translation studies and thus include alternative models to expand the field. The etymological origin of ‘geometry’ traces back to the Greek word geometria or “measurement of earth or land”. Similarly ‘geography’ originates from Greek word geographia which means “description of the earth's surface”. The prefix trans- of ‘translation’ means ‘to go beyond’, ‘on the other side’. Thus, when taken together, translation from the geographical and geometrical perspective alludes to the question of movement in terms of land or space. If we take the model of Euclidean Geometry, then the western concept of translational act as a spatial flow can be understood from a geometrical angle as a process of distance-preserving/distance-altering transformation between two metrical/geographical spaces. Again, translation, as a political activity, determines how communities are mapped by their cultural other and as such points out how the binaries of the centre and periphery construct our worldviews based on asymmetrical power relations. Michael Cronin (2000), while exploring the relationship between translation and geographical spaces, has meticulously considered movement both in the context of territorial and narrative space and analysed it through the lens of language. Federico Italiano (2016) has examined how Western spatial imaginations constructed through literary works have been translated across languages, media and epochs and created the idea of the world through cultural differences.
Published in Seminars

We as editors of The Routledge Handbook of Translation, Interpreting and Crisis (HaTrIC) are seeking further contributions to complete the handbook which will appear in 2023. In-between the date for draft chapters (mid-April 2022) and finalised chapters (mid-November 2022) there is a process of editorial review and peer support (brief online meetings of contributors, per section).

More detailed info here:​​​​​​​

Published in Calls for Papers
Monday, 07 June 2021 08:36

Sustainability and Translation CfP

Sustainability and Translation

Annual International Conference of the Institute of Culture Studies and Theatre History at the Austrian Academy of Sciences

Vienna (13-15 October 2021)

If you wish to present a paper, please send a brief abstract (300 words) and a short bio, to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. AND This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by midnight on Saturday 3 July 2021. If your abstract will be selected, we will cover your travel and accommodation costs.

[Concept: Federico Italiano]

Published in Events Schedule

Picturebooks and graphic narratives in translation and education: Mediation and multimodality

Published in Calls for Papers
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