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Tuesday, 12 December 2023 12:41

Universidad de Córdoba / Università del Salento: Summer School of Audiovisual Translation 22th-24th May 2024 – Online & Onsite

The fast-paced advancement in science and technology in an increasingly globalized world demands a greater interaction between individuals from different cultures and societies. Thus, translation has become a necessary an invaluable tool for communication in all fields of knowledge. In this context, the VII International Congress on Science and Translation: “Interdisciplinary bridges and dissemination of scientific knowledge” emphasizes on the essential role of translation in the dissemination of ideas and scientific advances.

This congress aims to be a meeting point and a discussion forum about science and translation connections.

The congress will be organized around the following discussion panels:

• Panel 1 – Translation & Interpreting in Specialized Contexts

• Panel 2 – Audiovisual & Multimodal Translation

• Panel 3 – Didactics of Specialized Translation and Interpreting

• Panel 4 – Specialized Languages

• Panel 5 – Technologies & New Research and Professional Perspectives 1. Contributions Contributions shall not exceed 20 minutes.

Contributions dealing with any of the above thematic panels are welcomed, specially those that deal with the study of:

- Terminology and specific languages.

- Lexicology and contrastive phraseology.

- Translation and interpreting in specialized contexts.

- Didactics of translation and interpreting.

- Dissemination of scientific knowledge.

- Labour market and translation. Translation as a business.

- Research on translation and interpreting.

- Specialized languages, terminology

- Audiovisual and multimodal translation

- Technologies, translation and interpreting


Deadline for abstracts: 1 Feb 2024.

For more information, click here.

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