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Wednesday, 19 July 2023 12:16

The 2nd UK-China Symposium on Translation Studies, 15-16 Sept, School of English and International Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University

Conference date: 15-16 Sep 2023

Organised by: School of English and International Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University Centre for Translation Studies, University of Leeds

Host: School of English and International Studies, Beijing Foreign Studies University

Theme: Translation Education and Studies in the New Technological Context: Challenges and Opportunities

Aims and scope: Translation and interpreting have played and will continue to play indispensable roles in various aspects of UK-China relations and people-to-people exchanges. In addition to the translation and interpreting activities in various forms linking bilateral relations and bridging peoples’ hearts and minds, the English/Chinese stream has been established and developed in dozens of translation and interpreting programmes in the UK and in hundreds of T&I programmes in China.

Against this background the UK-China Symposium on Translation Studies is planned as a biannual conference co-organised by a China university and a UK university in order to promote exchanges among T&I scholars from both countries and to explore various aspects of Translation Studies and T&I education. The 1st UK-China Symposium on Translation Studies was successfully convened in University of Leeds on 16-17 Aug 2021. Selected papers from the conference have been published in Perspectives (SSCI and A&HCI), Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies (ESCI), Frontiers in Communication (ESCI).

The 2nd UK-China Symposium on Translation Studies, jointly organised by Beijing Foreign Studies University and University of Leeds, will be held in Beijing Foreign Studies University on 15-16 Sep 2023. The conference will focus on the various topics related to recent technological developments, their application and impact in T&I education and studies, in which we hope to promote exchanges among educators and researchers in translation and interpreting studies between the two countries. All colleagues are welcome to join the conference to share their experience and ideas covering (not limited to) the following topics.


  • New technologies and their impact on T&I education and practice
  • Technology-empowered T&I studies
  • Interdisciplinary approaches to T&I studies
  • Studies on T&I education in China and UK
  • Studies on language-pair specificity, esp. those focusing on English/Chinese translation and interpreting
  • Social value and impact of T&I studies

Deadline for submissions: 1 Aug 2023

For more information, click here

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