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Wednesday, 23 November 2022 10:54

8th Young Linguists’ Meeting in Poznań: Language and communication in the times of crisis, 19-21 May 2023

Young Linguists’ Meeting in Poznań (YLMP) is a congress organized by and for young linguists who appreciate the significance of interdisciplinary research and therefore want to go beyond the traditional branches of linguistics. We believe that the connection between linguistics and other fields of study, such as psychology or sociology, is both crucial and pervasive. Our goal is to present the advantages of an integrated approach and emphasize its importance for contemporary linguistic research.

The leitmotif of the upcoming conference is:

“Language and communication in the times of crisis”.

We encourage graduate and post-graduate students, as well as PhD holders up to seven years after their thesis defense, to submit papers to the conference. All other researchers are more than welcome to attend the event without a paper of their own and contribute to the discussions. Each oral presentation will be assigned 20 minutes and an additional 10 minutes for questions to the presenter.

Deadline for abstracts: 6 January 2023

For more information, click here

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