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Wednesday, 25 September 2019 15:04

Conference on Computer-Assisted Literary Translation (CALT) 14-16th April 2020, Swansea University, Wales


We invite contributions for full papers (20-minute talk followed by 10 minutes for discussion) on completed research or research in progress with substantial results. Topics of interest:

 MT and literary translation: possibilities and limitations; full MT; post-edited MT; productivity; translator attitudes towards

 CAT tools and literary translation: possibilities and limitations; translator attitudes towards

 Corpora as resources for literary translation: monolingual, comparable and parallel

 Corpus linguistics as a tool for literary translation: source text analysis; draft translation analysis; analysis of text and author style

 Computer-assisted auto-analysis of translator style

 Computer-assisted translation of plays

 Computer-assisted translation of poetry

 Computer-assisted translation of graphic novels

 Computer-assisted translation of literature for children and young adults

 Computer-assisted comparison of multiple translations of the same text

Abstracts of 250-400 words should be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The deadline for submissions is 10th December 2019.


For more information, click here

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