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Date: 28-29 April 2011
Venue: Lecture Theatre 1-3, Esther Lee Building, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Event theme(s): The theme of the Conference is Translation and Asian Studies. Topics will cover: Translation of Asian languages, The Role of Translation in Asian Studies, Historical Aspects of Translation in the Context of Asian Studies, Linguistic Aspects of Translation in the Context of Asian Studies and Cultural Aspects of Translation in the Context of Asian Studies.

Description: This conference, co-chaired by Professor John C.Y. Wang and Professor Laurence K.P. Wong, is jointly organized by the Department of Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and The Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, Stanford University. It aims to provide a platform for scholars in Translation Studies and Asian Studies to exchange views on topics related to Translation and Asian Studies. Around 30 to 40 scholars and translation experts, including more than 10 invited speakers, in the United States, Europe and other areas are expected to take part.

Deadline for submission of proposals: 1 Dec 2010
Registration deadline:
Contact details: Miranda Lui, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Event website:

Date: 17-19 May 2012
Venue: Advanced School of Modern Languages for Interopreters and Translators, University of Bologna at Forlì

Event theme(s): The Advanced School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators (SSLMIT) and the Department of Interdisciplinary Studies in Translation, Languages and Cultures (SITLeC) of the University of Bologna at Forlì present the First International Conference Logo - npit1 {2012} on Non-professional Interpreting and Translation. The aim of this conference is to provide a forum for discussion in a relatively recent and often neglected field of language and cultural mediation.

Despite being a hugely spread and submerged practice, non-professional interpreting and translation has always been the poor relative of both interpreting and translation studies and, as such, neglected and under-researched by academia and condemned by professional categories. By bringing together researchers from various disciplines this conference aims to bring to the fore and provide a forum in which researchers and students will be able to share information, perspectives and experiences of non-professional interpreting and translation, and explore a plurality of theoretical, methodological, ethical and disciplinary approaches related to the study of this form of linguistic and cultural mediation.

The First International Conference on Non-Professional Interpreting and Translation (NPIT1) Organizing Committee invites proposals for presentations on any theoretical, empirical and methodological aspect of research related to the conference theme.

The official conference language will be English.


Type of publication: Edited collective volume
Working title of issue/volume: Non-professionals Translating and Interpreting: Participatory and Engaged Perspectives
Editors: Şebnem Susam-Sarajeva (University of Edinburgh, U.K.) & Luis Pérez-González (University of Manchester, U.K.)
Publisher: St Jerome Publishing (Manchester, UK),
Submission deadline: 2010-07-30
Contact: Şebnem Susam-Sarajeva
Translation Studies Graduate Programme
David Hume Tower (13.09)
University of Edinburgh
George Square
Edinburgh, EH8 9JX, K.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Luis Pérez-González
Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies
School of Languages, Linguistic and Cultures
The University of Manchester
Samuel Alexander Building, Oxford Road
Manchester, M13 9PL, U.K.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Type of publication: Journal issue
Working title of issue/volume: The Sociological Turn in Translation and Interpreting Studies
Editors: Claudia Angelelli
Publisher: John Benjamins,
Submission deadline: 2011-01-31
Contact: Manuscripts and queries concerning the special issue should be sent to Dr. Angelelli at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . Any other inquiries regarding the journal should be directed to the founding editor Dr. Brian James Baer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Tuesday, 12 April 2011 12:50

4th IATIS Conference

4th Conference of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies

Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK

July 24th to 27th, 2012


The fourth IATIS conference was a resounding success. To read Miren-Maialen Samper's review of the conference, published in the ITIA Bulletin, click here. To read reports from the winners of the IATIS 2012 Conference Bursaries, Issy Yuliasri and Lihua Jiang, click here and here.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011 12:36

Practical Information

Visa Requirements for Visiting  Korea

Before traveling to Korea you should check the following website to see whether your country has a visa exemption agreement with Korea. If you do need a visa in order to enter Korea, you should contact your nearest Korean embassy or click on the following link.


For more information on the specific visa requirements for individual countries, click here .


Conference Venue

Click here for a map of the conference venue.


Getting Around

Getting to Sofitel Ambassador from Incheon Airport

Sofitel Ambassador Hotel is located in Jangchung-dong, at the eastern part of downtown Seoul. The easiest way to get to Sofitel Ambassador from the airport is by taking a KAL Limousine Bus or a taxi.

(1) By KAL Limousine Bus (Bus No. 2)

Time: About an hour and half

Bus schedule: Leaves Incheon Airport every 20 to 25 minutes

Fare: 12,000 Won

Boarding Location: Exit No. 4 or 11 on the 1st floor of the airport terminal or No. 4B or 11A at the bus stop

(2) By Taxi

Time: About an hour and half

Fare: (a) Regular taxi: About 50,000 Won (b) Deluxe taxi: About 90,000 Won

Route: Incheon Airport Highway -> 88 Olympic Highway -> Dongho Bridge -> The Jangchungdong Rotary (Sofitel Ambassador Hotel)

For more information, see:


Tours and Excursions

Together with our partner Grace Travel Service Company, we are organising a number of tours during the conference to introduce you to Korea and help you explore its many attractions. For more information, click here.

Accommodation in Korea

The official hotel for IATIS Seoul Conference is Sofitel Ambassador, part of the Sofitel chain, located at the heart of Seoul. You can reserve accommodation online at the following address:

Delegates attending the IATIS Seoul conference are offered over 50 percent discount. The discounted rate will not be posted on the Sofitel site.

Accommodation Rates

Room Type

Occupancy Type

Room Rate in Korean Won

Room Rate in Euro as at December, 2003 (Approximate Amount)

Per Person Rate

Standard Superior


127,050 KRW

86.53 Euros

86.53 Euros

Standard Superior


142,700 KRW

97.19 Euros

48.60 Euros

  • All rates are inclusive of hotel breakfast, service charge and tax.

  • The charge will be made in Korean won. The Euro rates are subject to currency fluctuation.

  • Guests planning to stay in a double occupancy room are requested to make their own arrangements for sharing with a roommate.

  • Free shuttle bus service to and from the conference site will be available during the conference.

Reservation Conditions

  • Credit card guarantee will be required.

  • The reservation should be made by July 15th, 2004.

  • Cancellation penalty will be imposed for guests canceling after 18:00 hours on the scheduled date of arrival. The cancellation charge is fifty percent of the room rate.

For enquiries, please contact:

Nicole Kye

Assistant Director of Sales & Marketing

Email: [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.]

Tel: 82-2-2270-3231

Fax: 82-11-750-6798

Tuesday, 12 April 2011 12:35



Date: 12-14 August 2004

Venue: Sookmyung Women's University, Seoul, Korea

Language of the conference: English


General Abstracts



Sahar Sobhi Abdel-Hakim

Department of English, Cairo University, Egypt

Translation and Geopolitics: A Reading on the Margins of a Doublely Translated Text

Susan Allen

California Institute of the Arts, USA

Toward the Phonology of a Global Vernacular: Explorations into Intercultural Communication through Music Improvisation

Raniela Barbaza

Department of Filipino and Philippine Literature, University of the Philippines

Translation and the Korido: Negotiating Identity in Philippine Metrical Romance

Michael Barlow

Department of Applied Language Studies & Linguistics, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Parallel Texts and Parallel Concordancing

Paula Bouffard and Philippe Caignon

French Studies Department, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada

Globalization and the Construction of Cultural Identity through Website Localization

Choi Byonghyon

Honam University, Korea

On Translating Korean Classics

Stuart Campbell

School of Languages and Linguistics, University of Western Sydney, Australia

Australia’s Media Model of the Arab World

Kar Yue CHAN

Department of Chinese & Bilingual Studies, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR, People’s Republic of China

Zhu Shuzhen and Yu Xuanji: Translation of Passionate Female Voices in Their Poetry


Centre for Translation and Comparative Cultural Studies, University of Warwick, UK

Constructing Chinese Women: A Study of Contemporary Stories in English Anthologies

Chia-chien Chang

Doctoral student, Foreign Language Education Program, University of Texas at Austin, USA

Why Is Translated Text Hard to Read? Intertextuality and the Translator’s Dilemma

Eric Chia-Hwan Chen

Centre for Translation and Comparative Cultural Studies, University of Warwick, UK

Britian's International Image in Translated Chinese Diplomatic Texts: A Case Study of Early British-Qing Diplomatic Correspondence

Yamei Chen

University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

News Trans-Editing as an Institutionally Constrained Social Practice: A Translation-Oriented News Discourse Approach

Martha P. Y. CHEUNG

Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong SAR, People’s Republic of China

On Thick Translation as a Mode of Cultural Representation

Caoimhghin Ó Croidheáin

Dublin City University, Ireland

Language and Ideology: Removing the Mask of ‘Inclusiveness’

Farzaneh Farahzad

Allameh Tabataba'i University, Iran

Strategies of Appropriation: Edward Fitzgerald's Khayyam

Daniel Gallimore

Japan Women’s University, Japan

Singing ‘like birds i’th cage’: Shakespeare Translation in Modern Japan

Sandra Hale

Head of Interpreting and Translation Programs, University of Western Sydney, Australia

The Interpreter’s Identity Crisis

Servando Halili

Ateneo de Zamboanga University, Philippines

Iconography of Empire: The Construction of Filipino Racialized Identity in American Imperialist Media c. 1898-1903

Haslina Haroon

Translation Section, School of Humanities, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia

Between Image and Reality: the Construction of Malaya in Travel Literature

Ji-Hae Kang
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, South Korea

Institutional Translation and the Reconstruction of North Korea

Hannu Kemppanen

University of Joensuu, Savonlinna School of Translation Studies, Finland

Constructing Another History: a Corpus-based Keyword Analysis of the Ideological Function of Translated History Texts

Rita Kothari

St. Xavier’s College, Ahmedabad (Gujarat), India

Translation in Gujarat : Great and Little Traditions

Sara Laviosa and Gaetano Falco

Università degli Studi di Bari, Italy

Dante’s Modern After Life: A Corpus-based Study of Crosscultural Communication

Benoit Léger

Concordia University, Montréal, Canada

Gibber and Barbarity”: Criticism of French Translations in the Eighteenth Century

Raymond S. C. Lie
Macau Polytechnic Institute, Macau, People’s Republic of China
Translation of Canonical Works of Foreign Literatures

Xavier Lin

Centre for Translation & Comparative Culture Studies, University of Warwick

An Aesthetic Basis for Translating Poetry: Between Matthew Arnold’s Quartet and Yan Fu’s Triad

Yuning Liu and Yong Zhong

University of New South Wales, Australia

Do Interpreters Matter In the Court? An Impact Analysis of Different Renditions in a Mock Court Situation (Part II)

Sonya Malaborza

Independent Translator, Canada

Translation and Language Conflict: The Case of the Acadian Theatre

John Milton

University of São Paulo, Brazil

The Translator as Cultural Agent: The Case of  the Brazilian Translator, Author and Publisher, Monteiro Lobato

Raymond Mopoho

Department of French, Dalhousie University, Canada

Borrowing and the Idea of Cultural Universals in Translation

Jacobus A. Naudé

University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa

The Afrikaans Bible Translations and the Formation of Cultural, Political and Religious Identities in South Africa

Emiko Okayama

The University of Sydney, Australia

Personal Pronouns in Cross-cultural Contact: the Case of Natsume Soseki

Genevié Quillard

French Studies, Royal Military College of Canada

The Self and the Other in North American Advertisements and Their Translations in French

Haroldo Quinteros

Arturo Prat University, Iquique, Chile

National Identity and the Teaching of English in Today’s Chile

Basem L. Ra’ad

Al-Quds University, Palestine

Identities and Bible (Mis)Translation

Mette Rudvin

Scuola Superiore di Lingue Moderne di Interpreti e Traduttori  (SSLMIT), University of Bologna, Italy

Negotiating Linguistic and Cultural Identities in Intercultural Interpreter-mediated Communication for Public Services

Kyongjoo H. Ryou

Sookmyung Women’s University, Korea

Aiming at the Target: Problems of Assimilation in Literary Translation

Ryu, Hyunju

Graduate School of Interpretation and Translation, Pusan University of Foreign Studies, Korea

Translation and Cultural Acceptability

Ryu, Myoung-woo

Honam University, Korea

Hangŭl Ŏnhae Translation as an Instrument of General Education

Gabriela Saldanha

Centre for Translation & Textual Studies, Dublin City University, Ireland

The Translator’s Presence in the Text: Voice or Style? A Corpus-based Study


Doctoral Student, The Graduate School of International Media and Communication, Hokkaido University, Japan

The Reception of Salome in Japan: Translation as a Harmonization of Self and Other

George Saunders

School of Language and Linguistics, University of Western Sydney, Australia

Reclaiming East Timor’s Linguistic and Cultural Identity

Reinhard Schäler

Director, Localisation Research Centre, CSIS, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland

When Translators become Localisers

Adriana Şerban

Centre for Translation Studies, University of Leeds, UK

At the Watershed”: Representations of Being and of Becoming

Sebnem Susam-Sarajeva

University of Edinburgh, UK

Lyricists and Composers as Intercultural Mediators: The Representation of ‘the Greek’ in Contemporary Turkish Pop

Nirvana Tanoukhi

Stanford University, USA

At home, yet thrown into the world: Horizons of an Arab critique of translation

Charles Tiayon

Advanced School of Translators and Interpreters (ASTI), University of Buea, Cameroon

Translation and Translators' Problems in the Management of the African and Euro-African Language Interface

Yukako Uemura

University of Helsinki, Finland

(De)construction of the Identity of a Geisha

Annelies Verdoolaege

Department of African Languages and Cultures, Ghent University, Belgium

The TRC as a Site of Discursive Identity Construction

Wang Bin

University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China

Translation beyond Metaphorization

WANG, Yougui

Faculty of English, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, People’s Republic of China

Translating East Europe: Ideology and Translation of East European Literatures in China: 1909-1979

Patricia Willson

Instituto de Enseñanza Superior en Lenguas Vivas “J.R. Fernández” and Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Translation and Popular Audiences: Foreign Literature in Early Twentieth Century Buenos Aires

Marion Winters

Centre for Translation and Textual Studies, School of Applied Languages and Intercultural Studies, Dublin City University, Ireland

F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Die Schönen und Verdammten - A Corpus-based Study of Translators’ Style

Lawrence Wang-chi WONG

Department of Translation, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, People’s Republic of China

Translation and the State: A Preliminary Study of the Political Control of Translation Activities in Post-1949 China

Suifai Wong

National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, Taiwan

The Politics of Cultural Translation: the Reception of Contemporary Ethnic Chinese Literature

Jie Xi and Yong Zhong

University of New South Wales, Australia

Do Interpreters Matter In the Court? An Impact Analysis of Different Renditions in a Mock Court Situation (Part I)

LUO Xuanmin

Department of Foreign Languages, Tsinghua University, People’s Republic of China

Translation: Liang Qi-chao’s Strategy in Literary Communication


Juan Miguel Zarandona

Universidad de Valladolid, Soria, Spain

The Collector of Treasures by Bessie Head (1977): The Translation and (Mis)Reconstruction of an African Woman’s Identity in Spanish

Zhang Meifang and Kelly Chen

University of Macao, People’s Republic of China

Organizations Speak through Public Notices — with special reference to Chinese/English Translations

Zhang Meifang and Victoria Lei

University of Macau, People’s Republic of China

The Post-Colonial Translation Movement in Macao

DEMONSTRATION: The Institute of Localisation Professionals (TILP)

Reinhard Schäler


Tuesday, 12 April 2011 12:34



Date: 12-14 August 2004

Venue: Sookmyung Women's University, Seoul, Korea

Language of the conference: English


Panel 1: Disciplinary Identity - Redefining Translation in the 21st Century



Mirella Agorni
Università degli Studi di Bologna, Italy
Plurality and Localism in Translation Studies

David Katan
Università degli studi di Trieste, Italy
Mailers, Transcribers, Envelope Addressers and Stuffers ?

Aleka Lianeri
University of Cambridge, UK
Translation and World Literature

Candace Séguinot
York University, Toronto, Canada
Translation Studies: the Individual and the Collective

Mahasweta Sengupta
Central Institute of English & Foreign Languages, Hyderabad, India
Interrogating the ‘inter’ in Culture: Translation and the ‘Foreign’ in Texts

Judy Wakabayashi
Kent State University, Ohio, USA
Reflections on top-down and bottom-up approaches to a comparative history of translation traditions in the Chinese cultural sphere


Panel 2: The Politics of Interdisciplinary Research

Roy Dilley

Department of Social Anthropology, University of St. Andrews, UK

Trans-disciplinary Dialogue: Examples from Social Anthropology

Kim Wallmach
Department of Linguistics (Translation Studies), University of South Africa

Recognising the ‘little perpetrator’ in each of us: Complicity, responsibility and translation under apartheid

Yifeng SUN

Lingnan University, Hong Kong

Shifting Identity: the Continuing Metamorphosis of Translation Studies

Stanley G M Ridge

University of the Western Cape, South Africa
Extracts from the Professional Commonplace Book of South African Translators and Interpreters 

Panel 3: Empowering Research in Crosscultural Communication - The Role of International and Pan-National Institutions

Daniele Grasso
Ecole de Traduction et d’Interprétation, Université de Genève, Switzerland
The Meaning of “Poverty” in Niger: Bridging the Translation Gap through Fieldwork 

Carmen Valero
University Of Alcala, Madrid, Spain
Widening the Scope of Translation in Crosscultural Communication: Gender, Migration and Mediation

María Calzada-Pérez
Universitat Jaume I, Castellón de la Plana, Spain
Diverging Texts, Converging Identities. A CTS Analysis to Study European Parliament Original and Translated Speeches

Michelle Woods
Centre for Translation and Textual Studies, Dublin City University
Secret Agencies: Looking Behind the Author/Translator Mirror

Panel 4: Translation and the Construction of Gendered Identity

Keith Harvey
Centre for Translation and Intercultural Studies, University of Manchester, UK
Intercultural Histories of Cultural Identity: The Case for Sexuality

Anne-Lise Feral
University of Edinburgh, UK
British Chicks? On the French Translations of Bestselling Modern Romance Fictions

Hoda El Sadda
English and Comparative Literature Department, Cairo University, Egypt
Trans/national Myths of Memory: Translating the Life of Hoda Shaarawy

Jeeweon Shin
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Canada
Negotiation of Gender Identities across Two Cultures

Annarita Taronna
Department of English Studies, University of Bari, Italy
Translating Androgyny: Orlando by Virginia Woolf, a Case Study

Corinne Scheiner
The Colorado College, USA
Is the Ethical Antithetic to the Erotic? An Examination of the Collaborative Act of Translation

Elisabeth Gibbels
English Department, Humboldt Universität, Berlin
Wollstonecraft in Four German Versions: Discursive Unease vs Norm Compliance

Brita Oeding
School of Translation and Interpretation, University of Ottawa, Canada
Gender Construction in the Literary Polysystem: from Canada to Germany

Luise von Flotow
School of Translation and Interpretation, University of Ottawa, Canada
Tracing the Gendering of Identity and Translation: Canada

Panel 5: Translation and the (De-)construction of National/Cultural Identities

V. B. Tharakeshwar
Kannada University, India
Translation in Translation: Colonialism and Caste in an Indian Princely State

Sameh Fekry Hanna
Centre for Translation & Intercultural Studies, University of Manchester
Transl(oc)ating Othello: Identity Politics and the Poetics of Translation

Kenneth S.H. Liu
University College London, UK
Translation and the Construction of Taiwan's Literary Image

Marc Charron
Université du Québec en Outaouais, Canada
The Other Poetry: Aspects of Otherness in Contemporary Canadian Poetry

Damir Arsenijević (De Montfort University, UK) & Francis R. Jones (Newcastle University, UK)
(Re)constructing Bosnia: Ideologies and Agents in Poetry Writing, Translating and Publishing


Eric Plourde
University of Montreal, Canada
Rewriting the Epic: Kalevala Translations as an Expression of Nationalism in Linguistic Minorities

Kate Sturge
Aston University, UK
The “Nordic” in Nazi Germany: Translated Fiction and the Nation-Building Agenda

Corazon D. Villareal
University of the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines
Translating Cultural Identity: The Philippine Experience

E.V. Ramakrishnan
South Gujarat University, India
Re-presenting the Region and Re-inventing the Nation: Language, Nation and Identity in Indian Poetry in English Translation

Haslina Haroon

Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia

Between Image and Reality: The Construction of Malaya in Travel Literature

Panel 6: Translation and Ethnography – Modes of Representation

Cristina Alberts-Franco
Faculdades Integradas Rio Branco, São Paulo, Brazil
Translating Koch-Grünberg into Brazilian Portuguese: A Challenge

Doris Bachmann-Medick
Independent scholar, Göttingen
The Anthropology of Translation: Cultural Concepts and Intercultural Practice

Martin Fuchs
Institute of Sociology, Free University Berlin/South Asia Institute, University of Heidelberg, Germany
Refractive Hermeneutics. Ethnographic Translation as Interactive Praxis

Anna Milsom
Centre for Research in Translation, Middlesex University, Great Britain
Tracing the Multiple Voices in the Work of Lydia Cabrera

Gergana Petrova
PhD Candidate in “Japanologie”, Zurich University, Switzerland
There Should be a Hidden Ethnographer Inside every Translator

Panel 7: The Verbal, The Visual, The Translator

Nicole Baumgarten

University of Hamburg, Germany

Towards a Model of Analysing Language in Visual Media

Ira Torresi

University of Bologna, Italy

Translating the Visual. The Importance of Visual Elements in the Translation/Adaptation of Advertising across Cultures

Elena di Giovanni
University of Bologna, Italy
Verbal and Nonverbal Aspects of Cultural Alterity: The Translation of Disney Films

Nilce Maria Pereira
University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Book Illustrations as Forms of Translation: the Case of Alice in Wonderland in Brazil

Orhun Yakin
Hacettepe University of Ankara, Turkey
Visual and Verbal Aspects in Comic Translation

Jehan Zitawi
University of Manchester, Great Britain
Translating Children's Comics into Arabic: A Struggle with Words and Images

Alet Kruger


Dept of Linguistics (Translation Studies), University of South Africa

The Influence of the Verbal on the Visual in a Stage Translation of The Merchant of Venice in Afrikaans

Robert Neather

Dept of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics, City University of Hong Kong, People’s Republic of China

Translating the Museum: On Translation and (Cross-)cultural Presentation in Contemporary China


Panel 8: Teaching Translation - Global Challenges for the Twenty-First Century



Moustafa Gabr


The American University in Cairo

Toward Re-Professionalization Of Translation Teaching


Dorothy Kelly


University of Granada, Spain

The Construction of Translator Identity: Interpersonal Competence in Translator Training


Dorothy Kenny
SALIS/Centre for Translation and Textual Studies, Dublin City University
Translation memories and bilingual corpora – challenges for the translation trainer

Mira Kim
Department of Linguistics, Macquarie University, Australia
Analysis of Translation Errors Based on Systemic Functional Grammar: An Application of Text Analysis in English/Korean Translation Pedagogy


Defeng Li


Chinese University of Hong Kong

Translation Teaching and the Real World of Translation


Hassan Mustapha

Translation & Language Studies, Ajman University of Science & Technology

Teaching the Unteachable: The Case for Translational Awareness

Carol O’Sullivan
British Centre for Literary Translation, School of English and American Studies, University of East Anglia
Teaching Literary Translation as Creative Writing

Monika Smith
School of Asian and European Languages and Cultures, Victoria University of Wellington
How Can We Combine Traditional Language Teaching with the Training of Professional Translators?

Zhong Yong
University of New South Wales
A Post-Accuracy Typology of Teaching in Translation/Interpreting

Palma Zlateva
Teaching Translation in a Non Language Specific Way: The Working Paradox

Pham Phu Quynh Na

School of Languages and Literature, University of Western Sydney, Australia
Errors In The Translation Of Topic-Comment Structures Of Vietnamese Into English

Tuesday, 12 April 2011 12:27

Plenary Sessions

Date: 12-14 August 2004

Venue: Sookmyung Women's University, Seoul, Korea

Language of the conference: English


Plenary Sessions

Jan Blommaert
Ghent University, Belgium
THE UNTRANSLATABLES: Diasporic Language, National Origin and Intercultural Misunderstandings in Asylum Seekers’ Bureaucratic Encounters

Juliane House

Hamburg University

Global English and the Destruction of Identity

Eva Hung

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

The Gilded Translator: Issues of Authority, Control and Cultural Self-representation

Ian Mason

Heriot Watt University, UK

Projected and Perceived Identities in Dialogue Interpreting


Lawrence Venuti

Temple University, USA

Local Contingencies: Translation and National Culture

Harish Trivedi
University of Delhi, India

The Culture of Translation and Postcolonial Identity

Tuesday, 12 April 2011 12:24

Call for Papers

The conference will mark the launch of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS), a global forum designed to enable scholars from different regional and disciplinary backgrounds to debate issues relating to translation and other forms of intercultural communication.


Ongoing internationalization and networking, increasing population mobility, mass migration and rapidly developing communication technologies all involve crosscultural representation of one kind or another. Mediation is provided by translators and interpreters in some cases. In others, it takes a variety of less explicit forms and hence remains largely untheorized and under-researched.

Institutions and individual researchers across the world have been making questions of globalization and multiculturalism part of their scholarly agenda and setting up programmes to investigate them. Translation studies is now an established discipline in many parts of the world. Intercultural studies is emerging as an area of study in its own right. 

To date, however, no single scholarly association represents the interests of academics and researchers in these rapidly growing fields across the world. Existing organizations tend to be restricted in their aims and scope, whether to the professional development of translators and interpreters, to certain geographical areas, or to the narrower field of translation. At the same time, issues of translation and intercultural communication feature only occasionally in the conferences and publications of scholarly associations in such fields as anthropology, comparative literature, or pragmatics. Hence the need for a worldwide, broadly based association encompassing both translation and intercultural studies.

To mark the launch of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS), Sookmyung Women’s University in Seoul, Korea, is hosting an international conference with an appropriately international and pressing theme: Translation and the Construction of Identity. ‘Translation’ is used here generically to cover written translation, oral interpreting, audiovisual translation and translation in ethnography, among other forms of crosscultural mediation. Contributions covering forms of intercultural communication other than translation are invited.

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