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Edward Clay

This book presents new research on sight translation using cutting-edge eye-tracking technology. It covers various aspects of sight translation processes of both novice and professional interpreters, such as their textual processing behaviors, problem-solving patterns and reading-speech coordination. By focusing on the features of their gaze behaviors, the book describes the interpreters' processing behaviors and categorizes them into different processing styles. As one of the first books on sight translation employing an eye-tracking technique as the research method, it offers a valuable reference guide for future eye-tracking-based translation and interpreting research.

For more information, click here

About University of Electronic Science and Technology of China 

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education of China. UESTC was included as one of the first universities into "Project 211" in 1997, and then the nation's “Project 985” in 2001. In 2017, UESTC was included in Category A of the “World-class University” project. After more than sixty years of development, UESTC now has evolved into a key multidisciplinary university covering all-around programs in electronic disciplines with electronic science and technology as its nucleus, engineering as its major field and a harmonious integration of science, engineering, management, liberal arts and medical science. 

School of Foreign Languages 

Based on the Teaching and Research Office for Foreign Languages founded in 1956, School of Foreign Languages (SFL) was established in 2001. SFL offers a first level master’s degree in Foreign Languages and Literature and a master’s degree in Interpreting and Translation. Under the first level of Foreign Languages and Literature, areas of study include: Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Cognitive Neurolinguistics, Translation, Foreign Literature (including English, French, Japanese and Russian), Comparative Literature and Intercultural Studies, Country and Regional Studies, and other research areas. In addition, we also offer a Master program for a professional degree, i.e., Master of Translation and Interpreting (MTI). There are now 107 faculty members and more than 700 students with a 10% annual growth rate.  

Qualifications and Requirements 

Basic requirements: Have good morals and ethics, and abide by academic ethics. Ideally more than two –year teaching and research full-time working experience, able to meet the job requirements. ALL nationalities are eligible. 


  • Possess a PHD degree granted by prestigious overseas universities 
  • He/She has rich teaching and research experience and good academic development potential 
  • Be able to work full time in China.  

Preferential Policies and Treatments 

  • Annual salary: on a case-by-case negotiation round 
  • Settling-in and housing subsidies and reasonable start-up funds will be provided according to different positions. 


  • Personal Curriculum Vitae with the list of academic achievements and representative achievements  
  • A photocopy of the PHD degree certificate, and the current professional and technical position/rank certificate, and award certificate, etc. 
  • Valid all the year round 

For more information, click here

Translation, Interpreting and Transfer takes as its basis an inclusive view of translation and translation studies. It covers research and scholarly reflection, theoretical and methodological, on all aspects of the core activities translation and interpreting, but also similar rewriting and recontextualisation practices such as adaptation, localisation, transcreation and transediting, keeping Roman Jakobson’s inclusive view on interlingual, intralingual and intersemiotic translation in mind. The title of the series, which includes the more encompassing concept of transfer, reflects this broad conceptualisation of translation matters.

Through its Research Summer School and other activities, CETRA (Centre for Translation Studies) has a reputation in supporting young researchers unfold their potential and in fostering excellence. Besides monographs and edited volumes from established researchers, this series particularly welcomes proposals from PhD candidates and early-career researchers, English translations of PhD theses in other languages, and CETRA Summer School papers.

For more information, click here

Lorca in English examines the evolution of translations of Federico García Lorca into English as a case of rewriting and manipulation through politically and ideologically motivated translation. As new translations of Federico García Lorca continue to appear in the English-speaking world and his literary reputation continues to be rewritten through these successive re-translations, this book explores the reasons for this constant desire to rewrite Lorca since the time of his murder right into the 21st century. From his representation as the quintessential Spanish Republican martyr, to his adoption through translation by the Beat Generation, to his elevation to iconic status within the Queer Studies movement, this volume analyzes the reasons for this evolution and examines the current direction into which this canonical author is heading in the English-speaking world.

For more information, click here

This book explores literary translation in a variety of contexts. The chapters showcase the research into literary translation in North America, Europe, and Asia.

Written by a group of experienced researchers and young academics, the contributors study a variety of languages (including English, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, French, Japanese, Dutch, German, and Swedish), use a wide range of approaches (including quantitative review of literary translations; transfictional approaches to translation; and a review of concepts such as paratexts, intralingual translation, intertextuality, and retranslation), and aim to expand on existing debates on translation and translation studies as a discipline. The chapters aim to provide a panorama of the variety of topics and interests of contemporary translation studies, as well as problematize some of the concepts and approaches that seem to have become the only accepted/acceptable model in some academic quarters.

This book was originally published as a special issue of Perspectives Studies in Translation Theory and Practice.

For more information, click here

Friday, 03 July 2020 10:34

TransLinguaTech Call for Papers

TransLinguaTech is a peer-reviewed journal which focuses on translation, language and relevant technologies.

The rapid development of machine translation and other language technologies presents fundamental challenges to researchers and practitioners in translation, calling for reconsideration of various aspects of translation such as its definition, agent, object and method. However, there are few platforms dedicated to the issues brought about by the challenge. TransLinguaTech aims at providing a venue dedicated to such discussion, welcoming manuscripts on translation, language and relevant technologies.

Specifically, we welcome papers dealing with:


    • Challenges and changes in research and practice in the field of translation and language.


    • New theoretical and conceptual discussions about translation and other linguistic practices including redefinition of concept, agent, object and method.


    • New methodological discussions about research on translation and other linguistic practices

Deadline for submissions: 5 November 2020

For more information, click here

We are happy to announce that the 1st International conference: Translating Minorities and Conflict in Literature will be held in Cordoba, 10-11 June 2021

Confirmed keynote speakers: Maria Tymoczko and Loredana Polezzi

Call for papers International conference: Translating Minorities and Conflict in Literature

Following in the footsteps of recent conferences (Translation and Minority, University of Ottawa, 2016; Justice and minorized languages under a postmonolingual order, Castelló de la Plana, 2017) and publications (Translation and minority, lesser-used and lesser-translated languages and cultures, JoSTrans, 2015), the aim of this conference is to explore the ways in which translating literature can serve to protect and empower minority, minor and lesser-used languages, both in contexts of multilingualism where the power balance of the languages spoken in the same country is often unequal, and in situations of conflict, where authors and translators face the threat of physical harm, coercion, censorship and/or exile. In this way, “the struggle to sustain languages in danger often equally implies the need to redress longstanding problems of marginalisation, stigmatisation and misrepresentation” (Folaron 2015: 16). Moreover, in a world where ‘minority’ is understood as a struggle against the mainstream and where Anglo-American-led processes of globalization and cultural export are reshaping transnational literary production and circulation, translation flows from minor and minoritized languages are largely uneven.

Since the publication of The Manipulation of Literature (Hermans, 1985), Comparative Literature scholars have been obliged to confront the manipulation involved in any cultural transfer, particularly through translation. Institutions of culture and the state play an important role in determining the ways texts cross tangible and intangible borders. Hermans denounced three types of marginalisation: the status of translation in Literary Studies and Comparative Literature, the peripheral position of translations in literary corpora, and the absolute supremacy of the source text. Underwriting these critiques, we welcome proposals dealing with non-canonized literature, objects of study rejected by dominant circles of culture and literary movements that aimed to destabilise established literary repertoires.

More than three decades after their arrival, we want to (ap)praise the Manipulation school and Polysystem Theory for the vital role they played in the discipline of Translation Studies. Indeed, the Polysystem Theory focused on the target text as a manipulated text that was produced in a specific literary, historical, political and social context. As Snell-Hornby points out: “Translation is seen as a text type in its own right, as an integral part of the target culture and not merely as the reproduction of another text” (1988: 24).

Their legacy was to help abolish epistemological slaveries that biased Otherness and made room for countercultural manifestations. Their heuristic tools enabled the analysis of literature as a complex and dynamic system, stressed the necessary interaction between theory and practice, introduced a descriptive, target-text-oriented approach and laid the groundwork for the study of norms that condition the production and reception of translations within a specific context, the position of translations within the literary system and the interaction between different national literatures.

With the cultural and the current sociological turns in mind, we would like to stress Bassnett and Lefevere’s words “Rewriting can introduce new concepts, new genres, new devices, and the history of translation is the history also of literary innovation, of the shaping power of one culture upon another. But rewriting can also repress innovation, distort and contain, and in an age of everincreasing manipulation of all kinds, the study of the manipulative processes of literature as exemplified by translation can help us toward a greater awareness of the world in which we live” (1993; vii).

In this spirit, we welcome contributions on the following (or related) topics:

  • Translation from/into indigenous languages
  • Literary translation and sexual minorities
  • Translation in Gendered Contexts
  • Migrant literature
  • Postcolonial literature
  • Translation from peripheral languages and cultures
  • Translation in situations of censorship and war
  • The literary translator as an activist
  • The manipulation of national images through translation

Deadline for submissions: 15 September 2020

For more information, click here

The Centre for Legal and Institutional Translation Studies (Transius) will hold its next international conference from 30 June to 2 July 2021 in collaboration with IAMLADP’s Universities Contact Group (UCG). The conference will provide a forum for dialogue between scholars and practitioners with a common interest in legal translation and institutional translation settings more generally. It illustrates the Centre’s commitment to fostering international cooperation and advocating translation quality in the field.

The 2021 conference will combine keynote lectures, parallel paper presentations, a poster session and thematic roundtables, so that all participants, from high-level experts to translation trainees, can benefit from the exchange of experiences. Contributions on the following themes are welcome: 

        1. Problems, methods and competence in legal translation, including comparative legal analysis for translation
        2. Terminological issues in legal and institutional translation
        3. The use of corpora and computer tools for legal and institutional translation practice, training and research
        4. Sociological and ethical issues in legal and institutional translation
        5. Developments and implications of institutional policies of translation and multilingual drafting
        6. Thematic specialisation in institutional translation (technical, scientific, financial, etc.)
        7. Translation quality control, quality assurance and management practices in institutional settings
        8. Court translation and interpreting
        9. Legal and institutional translator training

Deadline for submissions: 30 October 2020

For more information, click here

Friday, 12 June 2020 15:23

Humour and Self-Translation

Editors: Margherita Dore and Giacinto Palmieri

The volume aims to explore the self-translation of humour. Generally speaking, self-translation is described as a type of translation in which the translators happen to be the same people as the authors of the source text. It represents an atypical case which, as such, was somewhat neglected by Translation Studies scholars. More recently, however, self-translation has attracted a good deal of attention, as demonstrated by Gentes’s (2020) 212-page bibliography on this topic. Notwithstanding this, the self-translation of humour appears to be a remarkable blind spot. A text search for the word “humour” in the aforementioned bibliography returns only one match (Noonan 2013), searching for “humor” returns one more (Palmieri 2017a), while “comedy” returns three (Palmieri 2017a; Palmieri 2017b; Sebellin 2009; Palmieri 2018) and “comic” returns only one (Cohn 1961). Another aspect that makes the research gap on humour self-translation so remarkable is that the translation of humour in general has also been the object of much attention, not least because it offers a wide range of challenges, spanning from dealing with wordplay to the importance of culturespecific references (Chiaro 1992, 2005; Zabalbeascoa 1996; Attardo 2002; Dore 2019). Moreover, the success or failure in humour translation is often constrained by the translation mode used (cf. for instance Zabalbascoa 1994; Dore 2019; Dore, forthcoming). Interestingly, many authors who have written on self-translation (e.g. Fitch 1988; Eco 2013) have stressed that self-translators enjoy a level of freedom greater than that allowed to allographic translators. Similarly, the challenging nature of humour translation makes the case of self-translation the more interesting and intriguing, as it often requires exercising great freedom in adapting the humours content to the target audience (as discussed, with reference to stand-up comedy, in Palmieri 2018). Therefore, observing specific cases of humour self-translation is likely to unveil specific characteristics of this process in different context (cf. e.g. Palmieri 2018) and of humour translation in general. It is envisaged that the exploration of this fascinating phenomenon will further contribute to enhance the ongoing debate on the (un)translatability of humour (Delabastita 1996; 1997; Chiaro 2000; Dore 2019). Since the self-translation of humour can potentially cover several fields of enquire and application, as well as genres, an edited book can become a particularly promising tool. With these premises in mind, we would like to launch a Call for Papers to encourage scholars to give a contribution to mapping this problem space, by identifying instances of humour self-translation in their specific areas of competence, both in terms of language(s) and medium/ text type.

Deadline for submissions: 30 June 2020

For more information, click here

Volume Editors

Peter J. Freeth, University of Leeds, UK

Rafael O. Treviño, Gallaudet University, Washington, DC, USA

Correspondence: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


In The Translator’s Invisibility (1995), Lawrence Venuti argued literary translations are deemed most acceptable by Anglophone readers and critics when they appear to be transparent, original texts with an invisible translator. Focusing on the ethical implications of this illusion of transparency, Venuti calls for translators to become more visible in their work by adopting “foreignizing methods” that minimize the “ethnocentric violence of translation” and resist the hegemonic linguistic and cultural position of English (1995:20). The limitations of Venuti’s selectively Anglophone and literary focus, as well as the challenges that stem from his distilling of complex theoretical concepts into binary oppositions, have been criticized by several scholars (Pym 1996, Delabastita 2010). Nonetheless, the concept of the translator’s invisibility and its ethical implications have seen widespread migration across the discipline, proving fruitful for research into translator and interpreter (in)visibility in textual, paratextual and extratextual spaces (Koskinen 2000). For instance, research on the visibility of translators in non-Anglophone contexts (Corbett 1999, Bilodeau 2013) and in other historical periods (Coldiron 2012, 2018) has expanded on Venuti’s original work and demonstrated the relevance of translator (in)visibility across a variety of cultural and historical contexts. 

However, as we turn to sociologically informed and multimodal research contexts, and the scope of translation and interpreting studies as a discipline continues to broaden, the theoretical concept of translator (in)visibility has been increasingly applied in contexts far removed from Venuti’s original focus on literary translation. For example, Littau (1997) and Hassen (2012) highlight the relevance of the translator’s (in)visibility in digital contexts, while others have applied visibility to other translational practices, such as Bielsa and Bassnett (2008) focus on political and news translation and the visibility of translators within such organizations, and Baker’s (2010) and Ellcessor’s (2015) interpreting-based perspectives. As such, the issue of visibility has stretched beyond specific literary texts and individual translators, to the overall visibility of translation and interpreting within a variety of contexts, thereby creating new challenges for researching the notion of visibility within these spaces and requiring alternative approaches.  

This volume therefore seeks to critically reflect upon current theoretical understandings of visibility across translation and interpreting studies, as well as to highlight potential new directions and approaches for visibility focused research. Doing so will provide new insights into how we can continue to investigate the visibility of translation and interpreting outside the realms of Venuti’s original theoretical approach, such as in digital, multimodal or sociological research contexts. To achieve this, the volume understands translation and interpreting studies in the broadest sense by incorporating intralingual and intersemiotic translational practices, such as subtitling, sign-language interpreting, rewriting and adaptation, alongside a traditional understanding of translation and the translator’s (in)visibility. 


The editors welcome contributions of 6,000–8,000 words focusing on, but not limited to, the following issues:


  • the adoption and spread of translator (in)visibility as a theoretical concept from literary translation studies to other subfields within translation and interpreting studies; 
  • critical reflections on current theoretical understandings of (in)visibility within translation and interpreting studies; 
  • the (in)visibility of translators and translation outside of Anglophone contexts and the impact of this on existing theoretical approaches; 
  • the (in)visibility of translators and translation outside of literary contexts, for example audio-visual translation, spoken and sign-language interpreting, adaptation, and rewriting; 
  • the impact of digital media and texts on the (in)visibility of translators and translation; and 
  • the (in)visibility of translators and translation in relation to other textual producers and practices, such as authors and editors.


Deadline for submissions: 15 September

For more information, click here

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