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Tuesday, 29 October 2013 13:56

The Pushing Hands of Translation & its Theory: In Memoriam Martha Cheung 1953-2013

Call for Papers: The Pushing Hands of Translation & its Theory: In Memoriam Martha Cheung 1953-2013
Edited by Douglas Robinson
Abstracts to Doug Robinson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by December 31, 2013
Papers by September 30, 2014

When she passed away on September 10, 2013, Professor Martha Cheung left two major projects unfinished. The first was Volume 2 of her “Chinese Discourse on Translation” project; that unfinished editing work will be completed by her colleagues in the Translation Program at Hong Kong Baptist University. The other was a book on her “pushing hands” (tuishou 推手) approach to translation, on which she first gave a keynote at a translation history conference in Istanbul in 2009, published here: 

“The Mediated Nature of Knowledge and the Pushing-hands Approach to Research on Translation History.” Translation Studies 5.2 (2012): 156-171. Online at

Unfortunately, she seems not to have been able even to begin this latter book. No one else can write the book she was hoping to write on the subject; but perhaps this edited memorial essay collection can become the next best thing.

For the planned volume essays are solicited on any aspect of translation research that exercised Martha Cheung in print (see her CV at, including her work on Chinese discourses on translation; but preference will be given to essays reading, situating, applying, and/or rethinking the pushing hands approach to the study of translation.

Note that this will not be a memoir volume; it will be a collection of serious theoretical contributions to the scholarly conversations Martha launched and helped guide.

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