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Friday, 18 March 2011 19:52

International Journal of Translation

Type of publication: Journal issue
Working title of issue/volume: Screens We Live By: An Updated Insight Into Audiovisual Translation Research
Editors: Harpreet Kaur Bahri, Deepinder Singh Bahri; guest editor: Rosa Agost (Universitat Jaume I, Spain), 


The papers pertaining to the areas mentioned above should be submitted in MS-Word VIA e-mail to the Guest Editor/Editors at their contact addresses given below not later than 1st Feb 2011. Papers should not exceed 7500 words and should be preceded by an abstract of 150-200 words.

This volume is an attempt to open up a space for exchanging latest research horizons on Audiovisual Translation, focusing on the results of a wide range of research projects.
During the last two decades Audiovisual Translation has revealed to be a complex and unstable field of research, rich in linguistic, cultural and ideological associations. A wealth of disciplines are enlarging the analytical and research horizons. Among them we can mention pragmatics, cultural studies, sociolinguistics, sociology, neuropsychology, descriptive translation studies, and many more. As a result of this richness of perspectives, the intersection between the audiovisual text and translation has grown exponentially, allowing a variety of lines of research unthought of just a few years ago, when both ‘audiovisual’ and ‘translation’ were no more than marginal categories in the field of Translation Studies.

We welcome papers focusing on research projects in the field of Audiovisual Translation, especially those concerned with:

• International research projects,
• Innovative uses of data-driven studies and leading-edge technologies for AVT,
• Cross-disciplinary perspectives,
• Challenging proposals, with a focus on political or ideological issues,
• Empirical approaches to the AVT analysis, but also
• A revaluation of the basic theoretical tenets linking ‘general audiovisual translation’ and ‘new modalities involved in AVT’

All papers submitted to IJT should be original, neither having been previously published nor bing considered elsewhere at the time of submission. The guest editor will select contributions for the special issue and notify authors of acceptance or otherwise at the end of March 2011. The date of publication of issue would be September 2011.


Submission deadline: 2011-02-01

Submission requirements:
Contributors are encouraged to follow the format of the journal, given on the website

Harpreet Kaur Bahri and Deepinder Singh Bahri C/o BAHRI PUBLICATIONS, 1749A/5, Govindpuri Extension, Kalkaji, New Delhi 110019. E-mails: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

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