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Thursday, 08 August 2019 10:38

2nd Call for Papers: Community Translation/Interpreting in African Context



Community translation and interpreting have been a field of interest in translation studies for quite a while now. In the process, it has amassed a significant body of literature and a research agenda.

The organizers of the second biennial conference of the Association of Translation Studies in Africa would like to put community translation/interpreting on the agenda of translation studies scholars working in the African context. There is a strong suspicion that community translation in Europe, for instance, does not mean the same as in Africa. There are also indications that non-professional translation/interpreting and community interpreting in Africa could be quite closely related. Debates on community translation/interpreting also raises issues of education and training. The organizers thus call for papers that engage with issues regarding community translation/interpreting in the African context. Relevant topics may include the following, but are not limited to these:

· What does community translation/interpreting entail in Africa?

· What would be key differences between community translation/interpreting practices in Africa and in other contexts?

· What is the role of intersemiotic translation in community translation/interpreting in Africa?

· How does the development status of African countries influence community translation/ interpreting?

· How does the language landscape in Africa influence community translation/interpreting?

· What is the relationship between community translation/interpreting and non-professional translation/interpreting in Africa?

· What are the implications of the debate on community translation/interpreting for translator/ interpreter training and education in Africa?

The organizers are awaiting abstracts for this conference. Papers could be conceptual, empirical or a blend of the two.

Submission Process

Abstract of roughly 300 words can be sent to the Prof Robert Yennah of the Scientific Committee of ATSA 2020 at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Abstracts should include complete information of the author(s), contact details, institution and key words.

The following time line applies:

· 15 August 2019: Submissions for abstracts opens.

· 1 November 2019: Submissions closes and review process starts

· 1 December 2019: Participants are notified about the outcome of the review process.

· 1 January 2020: Early-bird registration for conference opens

· 1 April 2020: Early-bird registration for conference closes

· 1 May 2020: Registration for conference closes

· 6-7 June 2020: Second ATSA Conference

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