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Friday, 07 June 2019 09:53

The Fourth Annual International Conference on Languages, Linguistics, Translation and Literature


1-2 February 2020, Ahwaz, Iran

The Fourth Annual International Conference on Languages, Linguistics, Translation and Literature is organized by different universities and research centers. The conference will be dedicated to current issues of linguistics, languages, dialects, literature and translation. Academics and university lecturers are cordially invited to present their research regarding current issues of linguistics, languages, dialects, literature and translation in English, Arabic or Persian. The selective full papers of the conference will be published as the book of conference and also will be indexed in CIVILICA (however, the book of abstracts will be published too).

Presentation Strands

Academics and university lecturers are cordially invited to present their research regarding current issues of linguistics, languages, dialects, literature and translation in English, Arabic or Persian. The conference will be an opportunity for academics, university lecturers and researcher to share their latest research findings and to keep abreast of the most recent developments in the field. Researchers and scholars from around the world are invited to submit their papers to be evaluated for inclusion in the conference program. The abstracts will be evaluated by International Scientific Committee Members based on their originality, novelty, rigor and relevance to the conference theme. The accepted papers will be scheduled for oral or poster presentations. The selective full papers of the conference will be published as the book of conference and also will be indexed in CIVILICA (however, the book of abstracts will be published too).

Absentee Presentation (in case you cannot travel)

The conference organizing committee allows absentee presentation. The presenter has to send Power Point slides of his/her article to the Conference Secretariat no later than 31st December 2019 to issue the certificate of paper presentation (Please send Power Point slides of your article through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). The certificates of presentation will be posted to absentee presenters after the conference.

Types of Presentations

Oral Presentations

These are 15-minute presentations with 5 minutes for Q & A.

Poster Presentations

These presentations will run throughout the conference.

Submission of Abstracts

A 150-250 word abstract with a title not exceeding 15 words and 5 key words should be submitted no later than 30th November 2019. The abstract should be included in the registration form and submitted through email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

All abstracts will be evaluated based on relevance to the conference theme and originality of approach for possible acceptance as oral or poster presentations. Proposers will be informed within two weeks after submission of abstract whether their abstracts have been accepted. The Conference Secretariat reserves the right to decline abstracts without assigning reasons and to suggest for example that an abstract submitted for an oral presentation may be more suitable for poster presentation and vice-versa.

Conference Proceedings

In the case of publication, the book of abstracts will be published. In the case of publication of papers, the presenters are invited to submit their full papers by the end of December 2019. The selective full papers of the conference will be published as the book of conference and also will be indexed in CIVILICA (however, the book of abstracts will be published too).


Please read the following tips carefully before filling out the registration form.

Absentee Presentation (in case you cannot travel) is possible. You need to mention while filling out the registration form.

Presentation registration form should be submitted no later than 30th November 2019 to guarantee a place in the conference program (Please send it through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). To download the form of paper presentation, click here.

The participants who wish participate without any paper presentation, should submit the participation form no later than 30th November 2019 (Please send it through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). To download the form of participation, click here.

Co-authors who would like to attend the conference should register separately and pay the participation fee.

Presenters/participants need to contact the Conference Secretariat for further information on how to pay the fees.

For more information, visit

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