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Edward Clay

A permanent 100% position is available at the University of Agder, Faculty of Humanities and Education, as Professor/Associate Professor in translation with a focus on translation technology. The position is located at Campus Kristiansand. The starting date is negotiable with the Faculty.

The Department of Foreign Languages and Translation has approximately 35 academic/research positions and about 300 students currently enrolled in study programmes in Translation and Intercultural Communication, English, French, German and Spanish. The department’s teaching portfolio includes first-year studies, Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes, teacher education at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, postgraduate certificate in education, as well as doctoral programmes in linguistics and literature. The Bachelor's programme in Translation and Intercultural Communication will be phased out and replaced by a Master’s programme in Translation and Professional Communication over the coming three years.

The Professor/Associate Professor will be expected to take part in teaching and supervision with a focus on translation technology for MA students, and for BA students until this programme has been phased out. He/she will also be expected to be involved in the continuous development of the MA programme in general, and courses involving translation technology in particular.

Deadline: 5 May 2020

For more information, click here

Wednesday, 01 April 2020 09:44

Lecturer in Translation Studies, Cardiff

Cardiff School of Modern Languages has an international reputation for excellence in research and teaching, and we give students the opportunity to pursue their interest in languages in an exciting, interdisciplinary environment.  We educate around 800 students annually on our full time undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, and a further 2500-3000 through our university wide Languages for All Programme.
Applicants are invited to apply for a Lecturer position in Translation studies within the School. The post holder will undertake a full teaching load, including the development, delivery and evaluation of modules and programme provision within the undergraduate and post qualification provision of Translation Studies.The post holder will pursue excellence in teaching, and inspire others to do the same. The post holder will also supervise students and carry out administrative duties within the work area as required.

Deadline for applications: 6 April 2020

For more information, click here

The Łódź-ZHAW Duo Colloquium on Translation and Meaning is a successor to the internationally acclaimed event with the same concept, organised in Maastricht and Łódź from 1990 to 2015.

The ZHAW session takes place from 3 to 5 September 2020 in Winterthur and approaches applied aspects of the theme Contextuality in Translation and Interpreting.

Deadline for abstracts: 30 April 2020

For more information, click here

Translators, when not getting any press tend to get bad press, and the translation profession itself appears to be suffering an existential crisis (low play, status and uncertain future). However, this is not the full picture. The proposed issue intends to bring together practical applications of “translation plus, where the translator (interpreter) is an essential collaborator working with (as much as for) the author, commissioner or any other actor in the process.

We are looking for case studies, situations, where the translator (in the widest sense of the term) is not “just the translator”, and is listened to rather than simply ‘used’. For example, Romero Fresco (2013) introduced the idea of the audiovisual translator as an integral part of “universal design” in filmmaking and translation, while Jemielity talks of his experience as the translator becoming essential to corporate marketing strategy. In both cases, the translator’s particular skills add recognized value to the process and to the product.

We would welcome contributions that focus on personal experience, or examples from history that may be generalized or used as a model for future translators. We particularly welcome proposals on collaborative translation addressing the following topics:

  • How the status of the translator/interpreter has been re-evaluated to include higher autonomy decision making;
  • When the interpreter is a facilitator, agent and how the ‘uncertainty zone’ has been reduced;
  • How the principals of Universal Design are being extended to translation;
  • In the audiovisual world, examples of ‘accessible’ film production
  • Aspects of insider-outsider relationships and epistemic privilege;
  • Approaches and models (e.g. participatory action research) suitable for investigating collaborative translation;
  • How the profession as a whole can move forward with “the translator on the board”;
  • How training has or should be modified to prepare students for these roles.

Jemielity David (2019) “Translation and writing in a corporate environment: making it count in the C-suite”

Romero-Fresco, Pablo (2013) “Accessible filmmaking: Joining the dots between audiovisual translation, accessibility and filmmaking”, Jostrans 20, 201:223.

Deadline for abstracts: 30 May 2020

For more information, click here

13 May 2020, 9.30am - 14 May 2020, 3.30pm

Conference / Symposium

Bloomsbury Room, G35, Ground Floor, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU

Keynote speakers | Conférenciers invités
Emily Eells, University of Paris 10-Nanterre
Jonathan Evans, University of Portsmouth

13 May 2020

10:00 Registration
10:30 Welcome by Jean-Michel Gouvard (University of Bordeaux Montaigne)

10:45 Session 1: Lydia Davis and the French writers
Véronique Samson (University of Cambridge/Paris 3-Sorbonne Nouvelle)
Lydia Davis’s Flaubert
Ambra Celano (ILUM University)
Lydia Davis and Maurice Blanchot: L’arrêt de mort

12:30 Lunch (own arrangements)

14:00 Session 2: Keynote 1
Emily Eells (University of Paris 10-Nanterre)
The Way by Swann’s: In-between the lines of Lydia Davis’s Proust

15:30 Coffee break15:45 Session 3: Writing and Translation
Fredrik Rönnbäck (Sarah Lawrence College and University of California)
Excess and Restraint: Lydia Davis as Author and Translator
Anna Zumbahlen (poet, University of Denver)
Translating Sensitive Topics

17:00 Study day ends

14 May 2020

09:45 Registration

10:15 Session 4: Modernism and Modernity

Julie Tanner (Queen Mary, University of London)
The shape of feeling: Lydia Davis and the novel after postmodernism
Elena Gelasi (University of Cyprus)
Lydia Davis and postfeminism
Jean-Michel Gouvard (University of Bordeaux Montaigne)
“The Cows”: Writing and Visual arts


12:30 Lunch (own arrangements)

14:00 Session 5: Keynote 2
Jonathan Evans (University of Portsmouth)
Non-exhaustion in the work of Lydia Davis

15:30 Coffee break

15:45 Session 6: (Very)Short Stories
Claire Fabre-Clark (Université Paris-Est-Créteil)
Lydia Davis’s short stories: the (im)possibilities of fiction 
Ahlam Othman (Faculty of Arts and Humanities, BUE, Egypt)
Irony in the Microfiction of Lydia Davis’ Varieties of Disturbance (2007)

17:00 Study day ends


Kindly supported by the University of Bordeaux Montaigne and the University of London's Cassal Endowment Fund



Standard: £15 both days | £10 one day 

Students/unwaged: Free

For more information, click here

This issue is intended to be a self-reflexive research work that looks back and forward upon corpus-based translation studies (CTS). Similarly to other publications in the field (e.g. Laviosa 1998; Laviosa 2002; Olohan 2004; Kruger et al. 2011), looking back brings us to at least 1993, when Mona Baker (1993: 235) officially envisaged a turning point in the history of the discipline. Baker was not the first person to undertake corpus-based research (see, for example, Gellerstam 1986; Lindquist 1989), but she was undoubtedly the scholar who most forcefully predicted what the future had in store. And her premonitions were realized in virtually no time. Research has grown exponentially from 1993 onwards in the very aspects Baker had anticipated (corpora, methods and tools).

We believe it is time we pause and reflect (critically) upon our research domain. And we want to do so in what we see is a relatively innovative way: by importing Taylor & Marchi’s (2018) spirit from corpus-assisted discourse studies (CADS) into CTS. Like them, we want to place our emphasis precisely on the faulty areas within our studies. We aim to deal with the issues we have left undone; or those we have neglected. In short, and drawing on Taylor & Marchi’s (2008) work, we propose to devote this volume to revisiting our own partiality and cleaning some of our dustiest corners.

Regarding partiality, Taylor & Marchi (2018: 8) argue that “[u]nderstandably, most people just get on with the task of doing their research rather than discussing what didn’t work and how they balanced it.” Going back to our previous research, identifying some of its pitfalls, and having another go at what did not work is a second chance we believe we deserve. Looking at our object of study from different viewpoints or within new joined efforts, plunging into (relatively) new practices, such as CTS triangulation (see Malamatidou 2017), may be one of the ways in which we can now contribute to going back to post-modernity; and do things differently. As to dusty corners (“both the neglected aspects of analysis and under-researched topics and text types”, Taylor & Marchi 2018: 9), like Taylor (2018) we need further work on (translated) absence; similarities (as well as differences); silent voices, non-dominant languages, amongst many other concerns.

The present CFP, then, is interested in theoretical, descriptive, applied and critical papers (from CTS and external fields) that make a contribution to tackling CTS partiality and dusty spots of any kind. We particularly (but not only) welcome papers including:

  • critical evaluation of one’s own work
  • awareness of (old/new) research design issues
  • use of new protocols and tools to examine corpora
  • identification of areas where accountability is required and methods to guarantee accountability
  • cases of triangulation of all kinds
  • studies of absences in originals and/or translations
  • studies of new voices, minoritised (and non-named) languages, multimodal texts, etc.
  • pro-active proposals to bring CTS forward

Deadline for submissions: 31 May 2020

For more information, click here

The 28 biennial ASAUK conference (8-10 September 2020) at Cardiff University will feature the thematic panel The concept of translation in Africa: challenging Translation and Interpreting Studies.

The stream will provide a space where translation and interpreting studies scholars exploring the African context can meet and discuss their research, present their findings, interact and learn from each other. Additionally, the conference will be an opportunity to showcase current research in translation and interpreting studies in an interdisciplinary context. The stream aims at placing TIS research in the wider African Studies sphere.

Deadline for submissions: 22 March 2020

For more information, click here

The School of Critical Studies is seeking to appoint a Senior Lecturer (Translation Studies) to develop, lead and sustain research and scholarship of international standard and contribute to the delivery of an excellent student experience by delivering, organising and reviewing agreed teaching, assessment and administration processes to enhance learning and teaching in the School of Modern Languages & Cultures.

Deadline for application: 2 April 2020

For more information, click here

The University of Portsmouth is seeking to appoint outstanding Lectors in Modern Foreign Languages (Spanish, French and Mandarin) to join our teaching team.

The School believes it is essential that students benefit from an excellent learning experience. This starts with high quality research informed teaching by staff with excellent interdisciplinary expertise. Staff utilise their skills and specialist knowledge to expand the learning environment to beyond that of a classroom. The School invests in and engages with current technology to support learning.

The School prides itself on the excellent support provided to all of its students. Students can access wide-ranging dedicated academic guidance and pastoral support to enable them to be successful and enjoy their studies.

If you believe, you have the skills, aptitude and motivation to make a positive contribution to our teaching team we would like to hear from you.

The successful candidate should normally have completed a first degree in a recognised Higher Education institution in a country whose language is Spanish. A qualification in teaching the language to speakers of other languages is desirable. The appointee will be expected to undertake a range of duties appropriate to their qualifications and experience. These duties are likely to include language tuition, language tutorials, assisting with the drafting, invigilation and marking of assessments, producing teaching materials in the relevant language under appropriate supervision, and engaging in extracurricular activities.

Working week is 4 days/30.33 hours with up to 18 hours teaching.

Deadline for applications: 13 March 2020

For more information, click here

1) The Centre for Translation Studies is seeking a University assistant (prae doc) in the field of Transcultural Communication (Prof. Dr. Cornelia Zwischenberger) with a focus on online collaborative translation (e.g. Translation Crowdsourcing, Fansubbing, Fandubbing, Scanlation, Translation hacking). These types of online collaborative translation are investigated as specific forms of transcultural communication where both the translation process as well as its product are characterized by particular hybridity.

2) The Centre for Translation Studies is seeking a University assistant (prae doc) in the field of Transcultural Communication (Prof. Dr. Cornelia Zwischenberger) with a focus on the use of the translation concept beyond Translation Studies ("translational turn") from a transdisciplinary/transcultural perspective on translation.

The Centre for Translation Studies (ZTW) at the University of Vienna, Austria is one of 20 academic units (faculties and centres) of the University of Vienna. In addition to the area of teaching (transcultural communication, translation studies, translation and interpreting education in 14 languages, etc.), the Centre conducts research in several key research areas. Cutting-edge research is conducted by professors, habilitated staff members, predoctoral and postdoctoral researchers, senior lecturers and many more. More than 120 lecturers teach translation-related subjects to about 3,000 undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Deadline for applications: 5 April 2020

For more information on vacancy 1), click here

For more information on vacancy 2), click here

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