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Sofia Malamatidou

Tuesday, 22 March 2016 14:40

Call for Abstracts: IPCITI 2016

The Centre for Translation and Textual Studies (Dublin City University) is delighted to announce that it will host the IPCITI 2016 conference on the 12th and 13th of December 2016.

The Call for Abstracts is now open, with a deadline of June 15th.

The Keynote Speaker is Dublin City University's very own Prof. Michael Cronin.

The conference will be preceded by a workshop on presenting research orally, run by Prof. Jenny Williams and Dr. Marion Winters.

All details on the conference are available at the IPCITI website

Call for papers. Abstract Submission Extension: 15th February 2016.

3rd Taboo Conference – Taboo Humo(u)r: Language, Culture, Society, and the Media 

Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain

20-21 September 2016

De 01 a 02 de abril de 2016

O objetivo deste evento é promover o aperfeiçoamento dos profissionais que trabalham com a tradução de documentos da área da saúde. As palestras, mesas-redondas e discussões serão sobre vários assuntos da área, desde terminologia até princípios básicos de assistência à saúde, de forma a preparar o tradutor para prestar um serviço mais preciso e mais adequado àqueles que necessitam dessas traduções para tomar decisões importantes, para se formarem e aprimorarem profissionalmente ou, simplesmente, exercerem seu direito ao acesso a informações confiáveis e precisas. Acreditamos que promover a reunião e o intercâmbio entre esses profissionais será de grande valia e trará benefícios para todos os envolvidos.

As propostas devem ser enviadas da seguinte forma:

- 1ª página – Currículo resumido do proponente com dados de contato.

- 2ª página – Capa com título da proposta e modalidade (Palestra/ Oficina (3h/ Minicurso (3h)), fonte Arial, tamanho 14.

- 3ª página – Corpo do trabalho, resumo de 400 a 600 palavras, fonte Arial 12, justificado.

Os resumos devem conter os seguintes itens:

• contextualização • metodologia • conclusão • palavras-chave (até 5 palavras)

Temas sugeridos:

1. Principais dificuldades da tradução na área e erros comuns

2 Ginecologia e Obstetrícia

3. Cardiologia

4. Dermatologia

5. Interpretação consecutiva de procedimentos médicos

6. Epônimos e como diferenciar certos termos: distúrbios, doenças, condições, transtornos

7. Saúde mental

8. Ortopedia

9. Botânica

11. Exames de imagem

10. Farmacologia

12. Biotecnologia

13. Bioética

14. Patentes

15. Saúde Pública

16. Estatística

17. Medicina estética/ cirurgia plástica

18. Nutrição

19. Cursos profissionalizantes

Título do documento: o documento deve ser salvo (doc) no seguinte formato:


ATENÇÃO: identificações devem constar somente na página referente ao currículo. Não é necessário incluir referências bibliográficas.


As propostas devem ser enviadas até o dia 30 de janeiro de 2016

Endereço para envio:

As propostas devem ser enviadas para o e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., com o título PROPOSTA TRADUSA 2016.

Observação: palestrantes terão um desconto de 50% na inscrição para o evento.

Local: Instituto Phorte Educação Rua Treze de Maio, 681 São Paulo, SP

An international conference organized jointly by

Boğaziçi University, Department of Translation and Interpreting Studies, and Research Group on Translation and Transcultural Contact, York University

Boğaziçi University

May 11-12 2016

Multilingualism has been receiving increased attention from scholars around the world as a topic that is open to exploration from different fields and various angles. In translation studies, research on translation and multilingualism has covered a wide range of issues, such as translation in the context of official bilingualism, translation and interpreting in multilingual cities, and the practices of multilingual and multicultural agents of translation. Postcolonial translation studies, for example, is one of the areas in which the intersection between translation and the multilingual condition of writing has been examined. Currently, there is increasing interest in exploring further the conceptual intersections between multilingualism studies and translation studies.

Turkey is a case in point when it comes to examining the complexity of multilingualism, both historically and today. It is an officially monolingual state in which some rights are granted to minority languages. Research has shown that there are as many as 60 languages spoken in Turkey but, with the exception of Kurdish and Armenian, their use in the public sphere, including publishing, remains extremely limited (Yağmur 2001; Temo 2015; Demirkol-Ertürk&Paker 2014). Beyond Turkey’s complex national multilingual scenario, the languages and voices of Turkey also contribute to global multilingual landscapes, e.g., through the narrative practices of Turkish writers in the diaspora. However, as is also the case with regard to other regions, the implications of multilingualism for translation and interpreting in Turkey are under-researched and there is much yet to investigate.

This conference invites papers on the relationship between translation and multilingualism and the tensions and negotiations involved in multilingual encounters, beyond linguistic plurality. We seek to provide a platform for researchers to present their work on translation and multilingualism either in Turkey or in any other context. We invite proposals for presentations on any topic related to the conference theme, including:

- translation, self-translation, retranslation and/of multilingual writing;

- multilingualism in relation to language policy and to institutional translation and interpreting activities;

- multilingualism and contemporary translation practices (e.g., audiovisual and Web translation);

- conceptual and praxical links between translation studies and multilingualism studies;

- translation and multilingualism in Turkey (e.g., including Armenian/Greek/Kurdish literature written in/on Turkey)

- multilingualism and translation in Canada

- “historical” multilingualism, as in literatures that maintain ties with the older versions of their languages, as in the case of Turkish/Ottoman, classical/modern Chinese, ancient/modern Greek, etc.;

- other area/region-specific studies on translation and multilingualism—e.g., Europe, the Americas, Africa;

- interdisciplinary approaches to translation and multilingualism.



Yağmur, Kutlay (2001) Languages in Turkey. In Extra, Guus and Gorter, Durk (eds.) The other languages of Europe. Clevedon etc.: Multilingual Matters, 407-427

Ergül, Selim Temo (2015). “Kurdish Literature in Turkish”. In Şehnaz Tahir Gürçağlar, Saliha Paker and John Milton (eds.) Tradition, Tension and Translation in Turkey, Benjamins Publishing, 253-272.

Demirkol-Ertürk, Şule & Paker, Saliha. (2014) “Beyoğlu/Pera as a translating site in Istanbul”, Translation Studies. Volume 7, Issue 2. pp. 170-185.


Potential participants may submit 200-word abstracts to by December 15, 2015 to the following e-mail addresses:

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

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Local Committee:

Arzu Akbatur

Oğuz Baykara

Özlem Berk Albachten

Ebru Diriker

Martin Cyr Hicks

Ayşenaz Postalcıoğlu

Jonathan Ross

Şehnaz Tahir Gürçağlar


International Advisory Board:

Elena Basile (York University and University of Toronto)

Martha Marin Domine (Wilfried Laurier University

Maria Constanza Guzmán (Glendon College, York University)

Lyse Hébert (Glendon College, York University)

Eva Karpinski (York University)

Reine Meylaerts (KU Leuven)

Chiara Montini (CNRS, France)

Joshua Price (SUNY Binghamton)

Sherry Simon (Concordia University)

Thursday, 15 October 2015 17:30

Taboo Conference 2016 - Call for Papers

We are happy to announce the 3rd Taboo Conference to be held in Barcelona, Spain, 20th & 21st September 2016.
For its 3rd edition, The Taboo Conference series will specifically address the intricacies of taboo and humour/comedy in the broad contexts of language, culture, society, and the media and in its various occurrences from the points of view of production, performance, and perception/reception.
We would be most grateful if you would consider participating and/or helping us to disseminate the call for papers.

The Department of Dutch Studies and the Department of Scandinavian Studies at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), together with the Centre for Reception Studies (CERES) of the KU Leuven, are organising the conference ‘Small is Great. Cultural Transfer through Translating the Literatures of Smaller European Nations’ in Budapest on 10-11 March 2016. The con¬fer¬ence addresses questions of cultural transfer related to the translation and reception of literatures of smaller European nations, written in less well-known languages. Literary research has recently abandoned its national perspective to a significant extent. As a result of internationalizing tendencies and insights from field and systems theories national literatures are no longer considered as basically autonomous systems, but as parts of an international literary space largely dominated by literary works, authors and canons from a few nations and languages. Much has been published about the import of foreign literary wo rks to minor linguistic areas, mostly by means of translations. In these studies, major literatures such as the English, French and German appear to play a mainly exporting role, while minor literatures represent the receiving party. On this basis, it is assumed that those importing literatures play a marginal role in the global literary system. During the con¬ference we wish to challenge these views by investigating the role of translation of smaller languages, the contribution of smaller literatures to the international literary space.

We invite papers on the following main subjects:

1. The hierarchy of literary space: Is the concept of an internationalized/globalized literary space acceptable as the description of reality? Do languages define and sus-tain their own literary spaces? Can further levels of literary space distinguished? If yes, is there a hierarchy or should concepts like hierarchy or dominance abandoned?
2. The process of transferring literary works: How can the complex mechanism of bringing translated works of national literature into circulation in a transnational context described? What is the role of institutions in the process of this transfer?
3. The process of translation of literary works: What are the relevant aspects of literary translation furthering the transfer of literature from smaller to larger literary spaces?
4. The transfer of culture: What role does the transfer of literary works play in creating and reinforcing national stereotypes, modifying cultural identity and collective memory, influencing attitudes towards the speakers of less known languages?
5. Translation and literary history: What can be the impact of the new focus on less known literatures, translators and cultural mediators on the practice of writing literary history? Is it important to make these actors visible? Are there examples of existing literary histories, which include these actors?

Papers may approach these questions from a variety of disciplinary, interdisciplinary and theoretical perspectives, including, but not limited to literary and cultural history and theory, sociology, psychology, cultural memory and translation studies, and may draw on the current or historical experience of one or more national literatures.

Keynote speakers of the conference include Gillis Dorleijn (University of Groningen), Andreas Hedberg (University of Uppsala), Hanne Jansen (University of Copenhagen), Reine Meylaerts (KU Leuven), Mihály Szegedy-Maszák (ELTE Budapest), Jahn Holljen Thon (University of Agder).

There is no conference fee for the speakers. Lunches, coffee and tea, and a conference dinner will be provided. Participants are expected to cover their travel and accom¬mo¬dation costs. The organisers will invite selected speakers to revise their papers for inclusion in an edited electronic or paper based volume arising from the project.
In this first round we welcome both proposals for complete panels as well as individual proposals for papers. There is also a PDF version of this Call for Papers for download, so please spread the word to your colleagues.
Please send paper titles, abstracts (c. 300 words) – with specification on which of the above mentioned subjects areas you wish to address in your paper –, to the conference address International Conference Small is Great This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by October 15th 2015.

The Conference Organizers

New Book: Interpreting Quality: A Look Around and Ahead edited by Cornelia Zwischenberger and Martina Behr

The issue of quality in interpreting has been debated for almost three decades now. This volume is evidence of the sociological turn Interpreting Studies is taking on quality research. Based on either a socio-cognitive perspective, a sociological approach, or the situational social variability of the entire source and target context, this volume’s contributions analyse the respective roles of participants in a communicative event and the objective of an equivalent effect. The contributions from Europe, North America, and Australia signal a trend in the research on quality in interpreting: they challenge the concept that “sense” in a communication is a single, stable entity, and instead view it as something constructed in a common effort. This in turn highlights the interpreter’s social responsibility. 

Tuesday, 16 June 2015 16:22

Social Media and Outreach Committee


The main tasks of the Social Media and Outreach Committee are:

  • the creation of an online interactive IATIS community where members can promote their interests
  • the efficient management of the IATIS website
  • the active presence of IATIS on social media so that news and activities are disseminated all over the world
  • the identification of appropriate news items, events and announcements to be hosted on the website and social media
  • the investigation of ways in which online presence for IATIS and its members can be increased
  • the creation of an online newsletter devoted to latest news, events and announcements to be sent to IATIS members regularly

The Committee reports to the IATIS Executive Council.





MARIJA TODOROVA, Chair of the IATIS Social Media and Outreach Committee

Hong Kong Baptist University and University American College Skopje

Hong Kong and North Macedonia


Maria Todorova has worked as a translator/interpreter of English and Macedonian since 1998 for many national and international organizations and participated in the translation of the acquis communautaire in North Macedonia. She was awarded the National Translation Prize and the Winter Book Fair Translation Award for her translations. She is the author of The Translation of Violence in Children’s Literature: Images from the Western Balkans (Routledge 2022). Dr Todorova is editor of New Voices in Translation Studies. She is research assistant professor at Hong Kong Baptist University.


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Li-Wen ChangLI-WEN CHANG, Member of the IATIS Social Media and Outreach Committee

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Hong Kong


Li-Wen Chang is a Senior Lecturer in Translation and Interpreting Studies at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen). Her research interests include interpreting studies, social semiotics, multimodality, and social media. She is also a practising translator, specializing in the translation of literature, religion, and spirituality. She translated dozens of books from English into Chinese, including The Hand That First Held Mine, A Secret Kept, Rose, Proof of Heaven, Small Miracles, The Monks and Me, etc.



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QIPENG GAO, Member of the IATIS Social Media and Outreach Committee

Cardiff University, United Kingdom


Qipeng Gao (he/him) is a final-year PhD researcher in School of Modern Languages, Cardiff University. His research focuses mainly on videogame localisation and its quality assessment, especially from a storytelling perspective. He holds a Bachelor degree in Translation and Interpreting, and a Master degree in Translation Studies. He has also worked as a freelance translator since 2018, with a particular interest in literary and sci-fi translation. He has published several translations of works by American, Canadian and Czech authors on Chinese sci-fi and literary magazines.



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BANDAR ALTALIDI, Member of the IATIS Social Media and Outreach Committee

King Khalid University, Saudi Arabia


Bandar is an assistant professor at the College of Languages and Translation, at King Khalid University. He has an MA degree in translation from the University of Leicester and has recently been awarded a PhD in translation from Cardiff University. His research interest includes the sociology of translation, audiovisual transition, non-professional subtitling (fansubbing) and digital translation on social media. Since 2016, Bandar has been volunteering and participating in translation projects and tasks such as Translators without Borders and subtitling various clips. He is also a certified literary agent in Saudi Arabia and translates scientific and technical material. He has recently translated The Myth of Artificial Intelligence, by Erik Larson, into Arabic.



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ABDULLAH ALQARNI, Member of the IATIS Social Media and Outreach Committee

University of Bisha, Saudi Arabia


Abdullah Alqarni, an assistant professor at the College of Arts and Letters, University of Bisha, is a certified literary agent and a member of the Saudi Association of Translation (SATA). He holds a PhD in Translation Studies from Cardiff University, awarded in 2024, and an MA from the University of Leicester, obtained in 2017. His research interests include the sociology of translation, translation history, translation bibliographies, institutional translation, and the translation of self-help literature. He has shared his insights at notable conferences including IATIS 2021 in Barcelona, TRAK2021 in Córdoba, and the Summer School Translation in History 2021 in Vienna. Recently, he secured funding for multiple research projects from the Literature, Publishing & Translation Commission in Saudi Arabia. Currently, he oversees various translation and literary projects and is translating Bernard Marr’s ‘Future Skills: The 20 Skills and Competencies Everyone Needs to Succeed in a Digital World’ into Arabic.



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Wednesday, 10 June 2015 11:23

IATIS Executive Council Elections - 2015

IATIS announces the 2015 elections to its Executive Council. Please read below for the policy on elections. The timeline is as follows:

  • Announcement of elections - June 2015;
  • Deadline for receipt of nomination forms - 30 July 2015;
  • Confirmation of nominees - 01 September 2015;
  • Submission of candidate form and photo - 18 September 2015;
  • Online voting commences (details will be posted here later) - 02 October 2015;
  • Online voting closes - 02 November 2015;
  • Results announced - mid-November 2015.

The Assistant Professor & Coordinator for MA in Conference Interpreting (MACI) is a full time faculty position for Translation & Interpreting Institute (TII-HBKU) under Hamad Bin Khalifa University in Doha-Qatar.

The faculty member and Coordinator for MACI Program is responsible for coordinating all activities relating to the MA and delivering some of its components. He or she is responsible for the selection and testing of potential students, and is required to provide guidance and support to faculty and students associated with the program.

As an Assistant Professor, he or she will be responsible of delivering some components of the academic program and ensuring that the MA receive appropriate training in their chosen specialization. Following are some of the major responsibilities for the position

Ø Support the Director for Post Graduate Studies & Research in preparing the business plan and annual budget for the Conference Interpreting Program by providing information specific to the MA, in line with the Institute's guidelines and the overall objectives of the Institute and Qatar Foundation.

Ø Provide support in developing the curriculum for the MA and advice and recommendations on the course offerings.

Ø Set the course sequencing and scheduling, ensuring that it meets all the standards and guidelines of the Academic Program.

Ø Prepare entry exams for potential students, ensuring that the results generated provide the required indication of whether the potential student meets the requirements of entry into the program.

Ø Participate in the selection and testing of potential students, ensuring that they meet the requirements for admission.

For more information on this position, and in order to apply, please visit the TII Career page:

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