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Wednesday, 07 December 2011 18:17

The Languages of Films. Dubbing, acquisition, methodology

The Languages of Films
Dubbing, acquisition and methodology
14-15 September 2012
University of Pavia




This conference aims to offer an original contribution to research on audiovisual
translation and language learning from a descriptive and a methodological
perspective by focussing on the specificities of original and dubbed film dialogue.
The main themes which will be investigated during the conference include linguistic
aspects of original and dubbed film dialogue, the representation of conversation on
the screen and the role of original and dubbed audiovisual input in second/foreign
language acquisition.

More specifically, scholars and young researchers are invited to submit contributions
dealing with the following topics:
- linguistic profiles of original and dubbed film language: distinctive
sociolinguistic features, pragmatic preferences and conversational patterns;
- translation strategies in dubbing;
- communication modes in screen-to-face interactions and staging of multimodal
- audiovisual speech and incidental second language acquisition;
- audiovisual speech and teaching strategies in the foreign language classroom;
- the role of dubbing in the acquisition of an L2;
- the interaction between spoken and visual dimensions of audiovisual input for
acquisitional purposes.

Empirical and experimental contributions to both linguistic descriptions of
audiovisual language and investigations on the role of spoken audiovisual input in
second language acquisition are especially welcome.


Abstract submission:
The official language of the conference is English. Participants are allotted 20-minute
slots to be followed by 10 minutes for discussion.
Abstracts of ca. 500 words (not including references) accompanied by a 100-150
word bionote should be submitted in either .doc or .pdf format to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstracts must be anonymous, but the body of the message should include the
following information:
Name of the author(s)
E-mail address
Title of presentation
Abstracts will be evaluated by the members of the scientific committee.

Important Dates:
Deadline for abstract submission: 1 March 2012
Notification of acceptance: 15 April 2012
Deadline for registration: 15 July 2012

Further conference details: Maicol Formentelli This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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